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Asylum Log - Daniel Murphy

**Medical Report - Entry 1** *Patient Name:* Daniel Murphy *Date of Admission:* 2nd Basluas 1690   *Reason for Admission:* Patient Murphy presented with severe mental disturbances, attributed to an unholy magical being believed to have taken possession of his mind. Initial examination revealed signs of malevolent magical influence.   *Initial Diagnosis:* Extreme possession or magical entanglement. Urgent intervention required.   --- **Medical Report - Entry 2**   *Date:* 15th Basluas 1690   *Lobotomy Procedure:* In an attempt to sever the connection to the unholy magical being, a lobotomy was performed on Patient Murphy. The procedure aimed to disrupt the pathways of dark energy believed to link the patient and the malevolent force.   *Immediate Effects:* Following the procedure, the patient displayed a marked reduction in cognitive function. Communication skills severely impaired. Notable, however, is the continuous production of seawater from various orifices.   ---   **Medical Report - Entry 3**   *Date:* 20th Dansluad 1690   *Unusual Manifestations:* Patient Murphy's condition has taken a peculiar turn. Seawater production persists and has increased in volume. Cell walls now adorned with corals and echinoderms, seemingly materializing spontaneously.   *Observation:* Patient appears unaware of the phenomenon and exhibits minimal response to external stimuli. Regular monitoring required to assess the extent of the manifestation.   --- **Medical Report - Entry 4**   *Date:* 7th Canollus 1690   *Cell Transformation:* Patient Murphy's cell has undergone a remarkable transformation. Corals and echinoderms cover the walls and floor. Seawater production continues unabated, raising concerns about the structural integrity of the cell.   *Safety Measures:* Increased surveillance to ensure the patient's safety. Structural engineers consulted to assess and reinforce the cell.   ---   **Medical Report - Entry 5**   *Date:* 18th Canollus 1690 *Additional Complications:* Patient Murphy's condition has further deteriorated. Reports indicate that the seawater produced now contains unusual, otherworldly creatures. Staff tasked with containing and studying these entities.   *Containment Protocols:* Strict quarantine measures implemented to prevent potential harm to staff and other patients. Ongoing consultation with magical experts for guidance.
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