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Asylum Log - Saluss Accrutz

**Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 1** *Subject Name:* Saluss Accrutz *Date of Detainment:* 3rd Danshallas 1709   *Reason for Detainment:* Saluss Accrutz, a known member of the Tunnel Snakes gang in the city of Occulan, was captured following a violent altercation with Inquisition forces. His exceptional combat skills and history of brutality caught the attention of the Inquisition for potential forced recruitment.   ---   **Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 2**   *Date:* 20th Danshallas 1709   *Initial Assessment:* Saluss Accrutz proves to be a formidable and resistant subject. Displays significant physical strength, enhanced reflexes, and an innate brutality that aligns with his reputation among the Tunnel Snakes. Initial interrogation attempts yield minimal cooperation.   *Subject Evaluation:* Considered a high-risk individual with potential for valuable service to the Inquisition if successfully controlled.   ---   **Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 3**   *Date:* 15th Teada 1709   *Forced Control Experiment:* Experimental procedures initiated to assess the feasibility of forcibly controlling Saluss Accrutz for Inquisition purposes. Initial attempts involve magical and alchemical interventions to subdue his will and establish mental control.   *Immediate Response:* Subject exhibits strong resistance to control measures. Aggression escalates, resulting in injuries to Inquisition personnel involved in the experiment. Enhanced physical abilities pose a considerable challenge to containment.   ---   **Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 4**   *Date:* 21st Teada 1709   *Enhanced Physical Examination:* Saluss Accrutz subjected to a thorough physical examination to understand the source of his extraordinary strength and resilience. Preliminary findings suggest a combination of natural physical prowess and potential mystical enhancements.   *Recommendations:* Consultation with magical experts and scholars to further investigate the origin of Saluss Accrutz's enhanced abilities. Continued experimentation with caution.   ---   **Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 5**   *Date:* 7th Geabah 1709   *Magical Evaluation:* Inquisition mages conduct a comprehensive magical evaluation on Saluss Accrutz. Results indicate a complex interplay of innate magical affinity and external enchantments. The origins of these enhancements remain unclear.   *Inquisition Ruling:* Saluss Accrutz deemed too unpredictable for forced recruitment. Continued efforts to control him deemed too high risk. Alternative strategies under consideration.   --- **Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 6**   *Date:* 19th Geabah 1709   *Escape Attempt:* Saluss Accrutz, exploiting a moment of weakness in security, successfully escapes from Inquisition custody. His departure is marked by a trail of injured guards and considerable property damage.   *Security Measures:* Reevaluation of security protocols and recruitment strategies necessary to prevent similar incidents in the future.   ---   **Inquisition Medical Report - Entry 7**   *Date:* 2nd Duisluad 1709   *Ongoing Threat Assessment:* Saluss Accrutz considered a continued threat to Inquisition interests. Ongoing surveillance and intelligence gathering required to anticipate and counteract potential actions by the escaped subject.   *Conclusion:* The forced control experiment with Saluss Accrutz has proven challenging and ultimately unsuccessful. Vigilance in monitoring his activities is imperative to safeguard against potential repercussions on Inquisition operations.
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