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Circle of the Stars


Written by Endrise

Life is not limited to the speck of dust we call home. Every star that lights our world lights that of thousands more, gives home to a billion lives.   So why protect the nature of one world only?
— Blake Ó Rinn

Within the depths of Faefire Forest lives the Circle of the Stars, a druidic circle. Unlike others that see the power of nature on Fabulae, they look upon the stars instead. To serve a cycle greater than the world, and the life that comes from beyond it.

Although their beliefs put doubt in the locals, if not fear for what they protect.



The founding of the Circle dates back as early as 147 AK. A group of wanderers across Silva settled down for the night in Faefire Forest, observing the starry sky. An unusual meteor shower passed through the atmosphere, described with colours of radiance and unease, calmness and fear. One of those comets landed within Starsight Lake, plunging the area within a prismatic light.

Those to witness it saw visions of the world beyond Fabulae and nature’s true greatness. They swore an oath to this grander cycle, founding the Circle of the Stars.

Growth and Influence

The circle’s presence remained small over the centuries, with its numbers staying at only a few dozen members. Few people joined and any secrets taught to them were taken into the grave. Hence why few records exist about their practices and rituals, only known by oral tradition.

The few interactions they had were with astrologers who mapped the night sky, helping them learn more about the stars. Through whatever understanding their time in the circle gave them, Silva's knowledge of the night sky became greater than ever, thanks to their aid.

In return, they asked for Faefire Forest to remain independent of the outside world. Reasons given ranged from sacredness to vague answers, or even being protective about why they wanted it to stay separate. Most cases that looked into went silent not long after they began

Governing bodies did not consider the forest important, so the druids had the freedom to live as they pleased. For several centuries they remained unbothered by the outside world.


These woods were always different than the others, but now even the breeze feels wrong. Something is changing, life is stirring within the bark and the soil.  
And I'm certain it woke up with an appetite.
— Faerie Fire Hive Fairy

For the last few years, multiple disappearances happened around Faefire Forest. Locals began blaming them on the Fairies and Druids, whereas the Druids further blamed it on the Fae.

Such accusations led to the Fae rebelling against the Circle and trying to evict them. The two sides argued, leading to a conflict over ownership of the woods.

To aid with their side in the conflict, the Star Circle called in aid from the Nightstalkers. They helped push back their hives deeper into the woods, allowing the Druids to remain within their parts. Ever since, the two sides are at war with one another over the forest. While the Fairies hid within the depths of the forest, the Druids seem to prepare for something greater instead.

Founding Date
147 AK
Druidic Circle

Deteriorating Health

The last few sightings of the druids showed their health was quickly deteriorating. Ashy skin, weird eye colouration and several other symptoms with some of them.

Despite the visible decline, their mental state remains unchanged. Some even seem more optimistic than before, unbothered by the change in appearance. It does not help that apothecaries seem to not find the source of what is causing these symptoms, adding to the mystery of its origins.

Cover image: Organisation Cover by Endrise


Author's Notes

The child of the stars slumbers within the woods
Dreaming untold beauties into our world
  Soon it may wake up
And return to its brethren amongst the stars

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Nov 26, 2023 22:42 by Soulwing

A mysterious organisation! I wonder if the visibly changing state of health, with them being unbothered by it, may have their roots in their first appearance. Changed by the energy of the comet or similar, closer with mind and body to the stars they look up to.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.