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Saltback Dragon

What do you mean you don't want your steak salted?
The thing's bloody soaked in salt!
— Chef preparing a Saltback Steak
Saltback Dragons are an amphibious Dragon species found in Nordlann's oceans, named after their excess salt crystal growths. Part of the electric breath weapon family, they are notorious aquatic hunters that form a threat to local fishermen, if not for their shocking hunting tactics.

Basic Information


Saltbacks are bulky dragons with broad bodies, finned feet and no wings, noticeable by their short necks and larger underbite. To propel themselves underwater, their long tail has a flat end that can help with movement. On average, an adult specimen can grow up to be 20 feet tall and almost 40 long, most of it coming from their tail.   Their name comes from large deposits of seasalt around their body, forming into thick sheets of salt crystals around the back and head. the plating can be inches thick on some places, providing them a natural form of armour capable of deflecting most smaller predators or even some cannonfire.


Saltbacks have an ability to discharge electricy from their body or downright shoot it from their mouths through special glands. These shocks are potent enough to stun most sealife, if not even fry some from the inside out.   Their saltwater habitats and crystallised armour make a powerful combination able to conduct their attacks into the water without harming themselves during the process.

Environment & habitat

They are aquatic creatures, preferring saltwater oceans and colder temperatures. most tend to sleep for large periods of the day, only coming out to feed or find mates.   During these activities, many seek out schools of fish to fry and eat, often times even exploiting local fishermen to makes catching easier. Common attacks involve ramming themselves into fishing ships and stealing any fish thrown overboard while doing so. Others downright break down the ship and electrocute the water during it, making anything falling in the water get shocked right away.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: Blank Cover by Endrise


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Jul 15, 2024 21:26 by Aster Blackwell

As I read the first few paragraphs, I was imagining a crocodile-sized beast. Then you hit me with the 20ft by 40ft dimensions and I had to reset my entire mindscape hahahaha. What an awesome dragon! I love the salt armor, it's really unique.

Aug 6, 2024 20:08

The funny thing is that they recently found a way to make salt batteries so it being able to use electricity fits perfectly :p Great opening btw!

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