Black Pantheon Organization in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Black Pantheon

The term Black Pantheon refers to both the Pantheon of darker gods and the name of the religion that reveres them. The Black Pantheon is made up of the Gods and Patrons who's divinities are steeped in death and darkness.
They favour the Ash Fae and Ash Low who follow their religion, and are the benefactors of their magical prowess.
They have a long standing hatred of the Gold Pantheon, to whom they are the exact opposites.

The Gods
  • Cuas, Lord Death
  • Kriddea, The Dark Empath
  • Nytta, Goddess of Oaths, Vows and Promises
  • Giluna, Goddess Of Shadows & Fear
  • Drihva, Goddess Of The Ostracized & Abandoned
  • Roborh, God Of Spirits

  • Vaphy, Keeper of the Dark Truths
  • Otos, Gambler Of Chance & Luck
  • Bulir, Keeper Of Riddles & Trickery
  • Lavton, Penance Giver (serves directly under Nytta, Goddess of Oaths, Vows and Promises)

All gods in the Black Pantheon can be called upon by Fae of any land and religion by they are only worshiped by the Ash in the Southern Territories. An example of this could be that a Forest Fae will unconsciously invoke Nytta with a vow during a mating ceremony, making the vow unbreakable. The Forest Fae is still calling upon a Black Pantheon Goddess but does not offer worship, merely invokes her divine domain, Oaths and Vows

Tenets of Faith

  • The Dead are to be Respected
  • Even those who practice Necromancy must show the proper respect to those who have passed on. They are making great sacrifice to return to the living realm when they could be in the Ethers. Honour that sacrifice for they have no obligation to make it.
  • Oaths are sacred and unbreakable once made.
  • Never make an oath, promise or vow you cannot keep, for to break it is impossible for a Fae.
  • Never Quash the Darkness
  • The Darkness within and around you exists for a reason. Use it. Accept it. Be one with it. And you will be made stronger for it.
  • Penance is always Given
  • Vengeance must always be visited upon those who do you wrong. Never allow penance to go unpaid.


Followers of the Black Pantheon revere the darkness. They are taught to use the darkness within them, to support and use their darker emotions to their own use. Their own biological nature ensures this anyway for the followers of the Black Pantheon, making it an easy ask for them. They are sneaky and manipulative and sadistic in general. However contrary to other religious beliefs of them, they are not punished nor disapproved of for experiencing and displaying the lighter emotions. They are merely taught that, when they experience the darker side of their nature, to use it rather than attempt to control or quash it.
They are also taught to revere death and the dead. To show the dead the proper respect they are owed and deserve. Even despite holding magics that allow them to control the dead they would never do so with a spirit's permission or instead only with an empty, soulless corpse. They would never disrespect those passed on in such a way.
The followers are generally taught that activities and hobbies with a general darker public opinion are encouraged. An easy way to identify something a Black Pantheon follower would enjoy, is to look at the long list of disapproved activities held by the Gold Pantheon.


There are no specific churches or temples of the Black Pantheon found with the Southern Territories. Occasionally one may stumble upon a shrine built to a specific deity, perhaps built and maintained by a particularly devoted Fae but there is no designated place one must go to worship. In fact the Black Pantheon does not demand any such things.
A believer need only believe; to give thanks or offer prayers in their own time, in their own way as or if needed. The gods make no such demands of regulated worship in specific locations. In their eyes, their people follow their doctrine and tenants so well that no such things are needed. They make use of their magics in ways the gods can only support and even over millennia and generations the Ash Folk have never once forgotten them.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Shadow Pantheon
Related Ethnicities

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