Ash Folk Ethnicity in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Ash Folk

The Ash Fae, also known as the Ash Folk or the Ash Elves are the High Fae that occupy the Southern Territories. They are known for their hardened, cruel attitudes and often sadistic natures. They have an hostile relationship with the Folk of the Plains and have several unofficial customs dedicated to antagonising them.
They maintained their alliance with the Blood Fae even after the dissolution of the Unseelie Court and count them as Allies.
They wield darker magics than the other High Fae Folk and pray to the Black Pantheon of the Old Gods, those steeped in death and darkness.
After the death of the Unseelie Queen, the most noble Ash Folk family, the Underdalls took over as the new Royal Family. They were and have continued to be, an unusually large family, with several Fae to each generation where most families count themselves lucky to have even more than one. However these large numbers of siblings and cousins paired with the Ash Folk's antagonistic nature leads to a high death and assassination rate within the family, especially with regards as to who inherits the throne in each generation.

The Ash Fae, as all High Fae do, have an immunity not held by the other courts. They have the ability to lie, where all other high fae and low fae are incapable. Due to this the Southern Territories are known for treachery and backstabbing. However over the years Fae have began to recognise a bald face lie where other fae would subvert and as a result the culture of the Ash Fae has developed into underhand dealings, sly trickery and lies wrapped in layers of misdirection. This is especially true for the royal family who excel in this area and always have a hidden motive.

Ash Elves excel in the darker magic. When they learn to wield their abilities they are specifically taught the black magics and those related to the Black Pantheon.
When they leave the Academy, some of the warrior ranks an Ash Folk can have include:
  • Shadow Knight
  • Sorcerer
  • Assassin
  • Witch
  • Blood Mage
  • Rune Reader
  • Necromancer
  • Rogue
  • Beast Tamer
Of course not all Ash Fae choose to become warriors. Some are crafters, farmers, merchants etc.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Ash Fae and the Low Fae inhabiting the Southern Territories all revolve their lives around the large volcanoes in the centre of their lands. Their infrastructure, their architects, their ways of life; all depend on the volcanoes. Their homes are heated by the thermal vents under the earth. Their crops are fertilised by the ash in the air. They mine the mountains and harvests the lands for natural goods created only in proximity to the volcanos. They hunt the monsters attracted to the volcanic energy and sell their by-products.

They all grow up accustomed to the imminent threat of eruption, earthquakes and random thermal vent openings and this near constant threat of death is what led to the Ash Fae devoting themselves to the Black Pantheon. They will pray to the other pantheon gods as is needed, (e.g. praying to the Mother Goddess during childbirth) but their religion focuses on the dark gods.

Shared customary codes and values

The Ash Fae have the lowest population of all the High Fae. The vast majority of Ash Folk make up the nobility of their territories. The few Ash Elves that are not nobility are still counted as highly ranked in their own communities. This majority of social standing has led to an overall sense of arrogance and whilst they may not inflict this egotism on the low of Fae of their own lands, they delight in looking down on all other lands and High Fae.
The Southern Low Fae are mostly exempt from this attitude as a result of a sense of unity and patriotism. They may not be Ash Elves but they are of the South and they bear the same or sometimes worse, burdens of life from their harsh and unforgiving lands. At most the Ash Fae treat the Southern Low Fae with the detachment of differences in social rank where Fae of other lands get outright hostility, disdain and derision.
This is especially true for the Plains Fae, who are despised by all Southern Fae, low and high alike. The Ash Folk have even developed several unofficial customs dedicated to spiting and attacking the Plains Folk, such as burning their religious effigies for fun or personal family traditions to attack a Plains Elf as a coming of age rite.

Common Etiquette rules

All Fae are tricksters. Both High Fae and Low Fae use bargains and tricks and subversive words. But where all Fae in general excel in this area, the Ash Folk are a step above. Tricks, lies and scheming come naturally to them. It is rare to meet an Ash Elf you can even moderately trust with even the most mundane of matters. Most Ash Fae view socialising as toying with someone like a cat does a mouse.

Common Dress code

The Ash Folk tend to favour darker colours and clothing. If they do wear colour, it is typically small bright additions rather than a whole article of clothing. Their clothing and armour make use of their lands resources, using the rare materials gathered from their monster hunts. The richer Fae also have access to the minerals, gems and metals mined from their volcanoes.

Art & Architecture

Ash Fae and Low Ash never live in homes made from wood or anything that could burn. Even the lowest and poorest in the nation has a home of stone, if they choose to live in a house that is. Some Ash low choose to live in cave systems or nests of their own making. But not a single building, from the palace fortress in Lalarius to the smallest hut in the smallest farming village is made from anything but stone, slate or obsidian.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

In the city of Lalarius it is tradition for fey to wear black clothes before throwing powdered paint at each other on the Winter Solstice festival. It's supposed to be a symbol of the ash that stains their land and gives life to their crops and it is usually part of a coming of age ritual and closes out the week of festivities. All Fae wear their deaths mask during the event as a symbol of how their lives are tied to their land.

In the Southern Territories it is tradition for fey to burn a homemade doll on the summer solstice. It's supposed to be a symbolic thanking of the volcanoes of the Territory and it's usually part of a greater festival and that can last for several days. In Lalarius, the Royal Family leads a ritual that involves a procession to volcanoes that ends with each family in the procession tossing an offering into the volcano.

During the volcanoes' inactive season, a nationwide hunt takes place. This purge is a major event for the Ash Fae and their Southern Low Fae brethren as it severely reduces the number of monsters roaming their lands, making it safer for all. The goods sold and produced in this season make for an influx of commerce as the by-products of the hunt are never wasted. The rare and dangerous natures of the monsters in the South make these goods even more valuable. Whilst monster hunting is common year round to keep the numbers manageable and for the loot it provides, this hunt is different as almost every Fae in the Territory take part in some way. This includes farmers having work in their off-season, merchants buying and selling the products, crafters using the resources for their wares, warriors earning prowess for their monster hunting feats and magic users collecting ingredients for their spells.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Newborn Ash Fae are marked with the rune of the Black Pantheon on their foreheads with ashes.

A child born to a mated pair of Fae can be claimed by both parents. However should the parents be unwed, the child can be claimed by only one parent. This is sometimes decided by which parent wants or needs the child, but in the case of both parents staking claim, the child goes to the Ash Fae of higher rank and social standing. It is more common for an Ash child to have one parent rather than two.

Coming of Age Rites

In the Southern Territories it is tradition for girls to camp for a night at the graves of their ancestors once they've reached immortality. It's supposed to be a symbol of bravery and resoluteness and is part of the Solstice festival that lasts for a week on the first Winter Solstice of their Immortality.

In the Capital City of Lalarius of the South it is tradition for boys coming of age to prove their bravery and intelligence in a traditional hunt that takes place on the Winter Solstice. It's supposed to be a symbol of strength and cunning and is part of the Solstice Festival that lasts for a week. Newly immortal boys from all over the Territory will travel to the city for the hunt.

Despite the rules, the Ash Folk do not enforce the gender roles of the rites. A newly immortal Fae may take part in either the Hunt or the Night of Ancestors as they choose. So long as they take part in one of the Coming of Age rites on the first Winter Solstice of their Immortality, they are no longer counted as children. Given that the High Fae in general do not have high birth rates, sometimes these rites will have only one or two participants or sometimes even none at all.

At the End of the Winter Solstice Festival, the Ash Folk coming of age lead the ritual that closes the festival. The ritual includes throwing powdered paint at each other as a symbol of the ash that stains their land and gives life to their crops. The young Ash Elves begin alone until the leader of the territory, the Ruling Monarch joins and the rest of the Fae present join also.

Upon the commencement of their teaching at Nasrelts Academy, all young Elves will paint/craft their masks. From there some will carry it will them always and others will place it in a safe location. The masks become symbolic to a soul to each fae, losing it or having it destroyed or stolen can deal huge emotional damage to a Fae, a species that lacks emotional range as a rule.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In the Fae realm it is tradition to cover the face of the deceased with a mask. It's supposed to prevent the spirit of the deceased from trying to return. All High Fae have their own personal death mask.

Ash Fae Funerals centre around returning the Fae's body to ash. The body is taken by a procession of kin to the nearest volcano or access point of lava if none are nearby. After the procession reaches the volcano, the closest relative or Fae to the deceased in responsible for tossing the body into the lava.
After one of these funerals the plumes of ash from all of the volcanoes in the territory turn pure black. The remaining kin often still make a tombstone for the deceased even without a body as a connection for the deceased to communicate from the beyond.

Historical figures

The Unseelie Queen, Queen Una was the adored monarch of the Unseelie Fae. She died in battle against the Seelie Queen. With her death, the Unseelie court tore apart into the Blood Fae and the Ash Fae. She is regarded with awe and a continuing grief despite millennia having passed since her death.


Beauty Ideals

The Ash Fae have no defined skin tone. They in vary in skin colour and have no preferences nor discriminations with regards to them. The defining features they share is an ashen undertone to their skin. No matter the shade it will always have a greyscale to it. The Ash Folk with lighter skin tones all have silver hair. Those with darker skin tone always sport black hair with grey highlights. There have been cases of Ash Elves with swapped hair colours and skin tones and even cases of Ash Fae with both hair colours. Some Ash Folk also have small fang-like incisors.

Gender Ideals

The Ash Elves have never given credence to such a thing as Gender Roles or Ideals. So long as a Fae does not break laws or cause strife without cause, they may act, dress and cavort as or where they please.

Courtship Ideals

Should a pair of Ash Elves be courting, it is up to them to define and specify to each other such ideals as monogamy and closed relationships. The Ash Folk never adopted the human customs of modesty nor propriety. They dally and cavort as they please. Should a pair decide on a closed relationship prior to being wed, it is up to those Fae to stick to it themselves as other Ash Fae will assume their courtship to be an open one.
It is only after being wed that the idea of open relationships is not the norm but would still be seen as acceptable even then.

Relationship Ideals

The Ash Folk are quite strict about a single Fae's property and claims. As such a Fae will only ever be recognised as part of a relationship pair where claims can be shared, after a pair of Fae have been wed. Up to that point all mature Fae are viewed as single components.
Given that the Ash Folk hold their individual claims so highly, it is not surprising that the number of weddings that occur in the territory each year is extremely low, with more than 10 being unheard of. The Ash Territory boasts the lowest number of permanent relationships among the High Fae as a result of their possessiveness over their property and their near permanent suspicion of each other.
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