Blood of Mixed Courts Ethnicity in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Blood of Mixed Courts

Although not common, it is not unheard of for Elves of different courts to bond and have children.
These young elves are never referred to mixed blood but instead as a child of the court they were raised in.
After the child reaches maturity and attends Nasrelts, they are properly sorted into their true court. This is determined by the 'Judgement Shard', an ancient artefact created by the Unseelie Queen.
The Shard assesses the magic of the young adult Fae and therefore the place that Elf will take in life. This was realised to be necessary once mixed bloods began to suffer as they were taught in classes not meant for their type of magic but instead of the magic of the court they were raised in.
Sometimes, especially in cases of the mixed blood's courts being allied, allowances are made with regards to cultural court traditions.

An example of such a situation would be a child born of an Ash and a Blood Fae that was raised in the Southern Territories and viewed as an Ash Fae, could be judged to hold the magic of the Blood Folk. From that point on the Elf is viewed as Blood Folk, bound by their traditions and culture despite having never been a part of it. However since both Ash and Blood Fae are Unseelie Courts, that Elf may be allowed during their time at Nasrelts to leave with the Ash Fae to observe their cultures and traditions such as the Cold Hunt.
After graduating the Blood Elf is free to live as and where they please as any other Fae is, having learned the skills and magics of their people.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Fae as a whole have a simple rule. To observe a cultural practice, one must be in the land of the that Culture. Previous attempts to merge cultural heritages together lead to bloodshed and death as the Fae struggled with ideals and attitudes they could not comprehend nor replicate e.g. a peaceful Forest Elf could never accept the violent ways of the Blood Folk.
Therefore for mixed blood Fae the guidelines are quite simple. They are the right to observe whatever culture they want after graduation, so long as they are in the respective land to do so. Those who wish to observe both must travel between lands and are welcome to do so.

Coming of Age Rites

The 'Judgement Shard' ceremony is undertaken in full view of the entire school populace as soon as the new students enter the great hall upon their arrival. Whilst the other Fae of known origin separate to their respective tables, the mixed blood or bloods must wait to be told by the Shard where they belong.
with regards to age rites of each Fae culture, there is an agreed opinion that until the newly adult Elf is judged by the Shard, they are of the court in which they grew up. This therefore makes any coming of age ceremony they undertook valid to all cultures. It is an unspoken rule that mixed bloods who did not have the coming of age of their judged court but instead the one they grew up in, cannot be discriminated against for such.
Encompassed species

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