Gold Pantheon Organization in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Gold Pantheon

The term Gold Pantheon refers to both the Pantheon of righteous gods and the name of the religion that reveres them. The Gold Pantheon is made up of the Gods and Patrons who uphold justice, honour and freedom.
They favour the Fable Fae and Plains Low who follow their religion, and are the benefactors of their magical prowess.
They are known as the most proud and arrogant gods and rarely make contact with their followers as some other gods might.

  • Khunos, God Of Freedom
  • Redona, Goddess Of Destiny, Crone of Fate
  • Diranke, Goddess Of Honour, Justice & Honesty
  • Phothos, God Of Knowledge & History
  • Citia, The Heart
  • Cova, Goddess Of Trials

  • Thertuna, The Protectress (serves directly under Khunos, God Of Freedom)
  • Enera, The Silent Harbinger (serves directly Redona, Goddess Of Destiny, Crone of Fate)
  • The Golden Prophet
  • Brerana, The Redeemer
All gods in the Gold Pantheon can be called upon by Fae of any land and religion by they are only worshiped by the Fable Fae in Ryren Thalor. An example of this could be that a Forest Fae might pray to Diranke, during a trial. The Forest Fae is still calling upon a Gold Pantheon Goddess but does not offer worship, merely invokes her divine domain, Honour, Justice & Honesty.

Tenets of Faith

  • Freedom must never be impeded.
  • Trials are to be endured, never avoided.
  • Justice must always prevail.
  • Untruths are a great sin and a work of evil.
  • Knowledge is to be sought, Histories are to be guarded. Both must be cherished.
  • Fate has a path for all. To question it, is to question the gods.
  • Emotions of the light can be cultivated but with care. Do not stray too deep.
  • Honour is vital and never to be sullied.


To follow the Gold Pantheon, there are strict guidelines and standards. Fae are expected to be devout, pious and respectful. They are forbidden from sinning in many ways, including acts that other Fae cultures treat as acceptable and even normal. They must attend mass regularly and seek out worship outside of mass even more so. 
Despite revering the God of Freedom, followers of the Gold Pantheon are rarely free to act as they please. They are harsh and strict with judgement of others and their own and anyone that does not confirm to their outlook is seen as a heretic.


The Followers of the Gold Pantheon are devout and diligent in their worship. They all attend weekly mass on Wednesdays that lasts the entire day. Their entire government is centred of their culture is operated by their church. They are diligent and strict in the following of their commandments and rules and rarely make exceptions in this.
All followers of the Gold Pantheon are encouraged to regularly seek worship in their own time which is why their city, Ryren Thalor, has innumerous churches and cathedrals, all of which are in immaculate condition even those in districts of disrepair.  
The Followers can only worship by praying in these churches. They are the only Fae Faith to require specific locations for contact with their gods. Fae of the Gold Pantheon tend to be harsh in their judgement of others and their faith. They look down on other faiths and are quite opinionated about how one should worship.
Religious, Pantheon
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