Plains Fae Ethnicity in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Plains Fae

The Plains Fae, also known as the Fable Folk, Fable Fae and Plains Elves are the High Fae that rule the mega city of Ryren Thalor. They are known for their strict religious beliefs and haughty attitude. They have a deep-seated hatred for the Ash Folk, a derisive tolerance for the Forest Elves and a disgusted disdain for the Blood Fae.
They wield holy magic granted to them by their worship of the Gold Pantheon and their lawful morality beliefs.

After the death of the Seelie Queen, the plains Fae returned to their plains and meadows. However the deaths of the sister Queens had transformed half of their territory into arid, unliveable lands now known as the Wastes and the Red Sea. Bitterness began to brew among the High Fae of those plains. They resented that their territory was now the smallest, they resented that they had to live in fields of grass instead of gold palaces as their queen had.
The Fae of the plains had always leaned on their religious figures for guidance and without their monarch those figured took charge. The 5 strongest warriors of the faith and the 5 most devout of priests and clerics formed a council who took the lead of the plains Fae. Still stewing in their resentment, this council commission large marble cathedrals and city structures. Generations after generations of council members continued this trend until the cities joined together into one mega city and the plains were covered over entirely. They adorned their city with gold and jewels mined from the Golden Peaks separating them from the Forests of Eldemur.
It is unknown to the general Plains Fae public that they have actually plundered their fallen Queen's palace for her treasures after the palace sank into the mountains with Titania's death. Now the golden city shines like a beacon for the entire Fae Realm to see, made of marble and gold, with elevated tiered city districts split by giant walls of marble with the Giant Golden Cathedral sitting at the peak of the city at the highest point. The council positions are appointed by reputation and social standing and are chosen by the rest of the council upon the death of a member.

The Fable name arose several centuries ago when the current generation of council decided to adopt a new tradition. This tradition was to travel to and interfere with the human world. Unlike their other High Fae brethren who either ignore or actively antagonise humans, the Fable prefer to set themselves up as heroes and mythical beings to the humans. Many myths, legends and stories held by the humans were made by a Fable Elf acting a hero in some human drama.
They have since dropped the tradition but despite it being present in their species timeline for a mere speck of time, they insist on retaining the name. Around the same time they dropped the tradition, the Fable Fae began to look down on humans, seeing them as lesser, pathetic creatures not worth their time.
The immunity of the Plains Fae is that they are not bound by their true names as all other Fae are. Any command given with their names has no effect on a Plains Fae. However oaths and promises made with them are still as binding. The Plains Folk's magic is linked with their religious pantheon. As such their magics are directly tied to the domains of their deities. Some of the ranks a Plains Elf can have after leaving the academy include:
  • Cleric
  • Priest
  • Paladin
  • Mage
  • Inquisitor
  • Fighter
  • Seeker
Not all Plains Fae will go down these routes. Some take up merchant careers, profiting off the luxury goods desired by the Plains Folk. Others prefer not to work at all, living the life of nobles who profit off others.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Fable Folk culture revolves entirely around their religion, the Gold Pantheon. Their government is run by the members of the Faith, they dedicate their lives to the Gold Pantheon, everything they do is related to their faith. The Plains folk will typically find work or careers that they can relate directly back to the Gold Pantheon; crafters dedicating their art, healers using the God's given gifts to help others etc. They will leave more menial jobs to the Plains Low despite those jobs making up the majority of their economy.
A large part of the Plains Fae culture relates to the large mining operations in the Gold Peaks mountains. Whilst the Fable Elves will not mine them themselves, they pride themselves off the valuable gems and ores produced. They lay claim to all these goods and use them for social status, a very important subject among the Plains Folk.

Shared customary codes and values

All Fable Folk are nobles in Ryren Thalor. They are the only High Fae species that see the Low Fae as lesser. There are no Low Fae in their governing system and some Fable Elves will even refuse to live among Low Fae. The fact that the Plains Low refuse to adopt the fable monitor does not help their opinion. Whilst all Fable Fae undoubtedly have this view of the Plains Low they will rarely admit it, and prefer to hide their superiority behind their connection to the Gold Pantheon.

Since the Plains Folk scorn the humans and anything to do with their world, they have adopted a belief that changelings are an abomination. A Fae being raised by humans, in their eyes, cannot be tolerated to live. They are the only court to believe this and this belief has led to parents of changeling children having to race to collect their child once they reach immortality, lest the Fable Fae find them first.

Common Etiquette rules

Much like the forest Fae who avoid the trickster nature of the Fae through serenity and peace, the Fable Folk keep strict control of their emotions. They have no desire to feel the passionate emotional bursts that are so hard for the Fae to acquire. They keep their emotions under severe control to as to remain placid, stoic and apathetic. This combined with the superiority felt by all Fable Elves, leads to a generally snooty and pompous attitude in all Fables.

Common Dress code

The Fable Fae religiously only wear white, creams and golds. They refuse to wear any other colours. Their armours are always made of gold and their weapons inlaid with precious gems.

Art & Architecture

The entire city of Ryren Thalor is made from white marble and gold. The structure towers above even the nearby Golden Peaks mountains. The city is structured in layered tiers, separating districts by wealth and species. The lower districts where the Plains Low reside are generally less maintained and golden. They are more shoddy and closer to the natural homes the Low Fae would have if the city had not been built, e.g, burrows, wooden huts, moss huts etc. The districts inhabited by the Fable Elves are always perfectly maintained and manicured.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

In the mega city of Ryren Thalor it is tradition for people to create effigies once every six months at each solstice. It's supposed to be a symbol of devotion to their gods and is a custom observed by every Fae in the territory. Ash Fae in attendance at Nasrelts Academy make challenges out of destroying the Effigies. Once destroyed the effigy cannot be remade until the next solstice.
In the nation of Ryren Thalor it is tradition for men to confine themselves for a period of time within their holy temples and worship on the summer solstice. It's supposed to be a symbol of devotion and faith and sacrifice, as they will consume little during this time and forgo sleep.
In the megacity of Ryren Thalor it is tradition to wear the colours and crests of both sides of the family when a couple gets married. It's supposed to unite the families of the married couple.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a child is born in Ryren Thalor, they are baptised with the symbol of the Gold Pantheon in holy water over their heart. This is meant to symbolise the Pantheon already existing in the child's heart and devotions despite only being a newborn.

Fable Fae frown on children born outside of wedlock. They are extremely uncommon and should it occur, all parties involved will attempt to distance themselves from the child. This especially includes the father who will almost never claim responsibility nor rights to the child. Usually a mother is shunned from her social circles is the pregnancy is publicly known. Many families will attempt to hide the pregnancies so they can disown the child.

Coming of Age Rites

In the region of Ryren Thalor it is tradition for fae to create a work of art once they become adults. It's supposed to be a symbol of superiority and status and is usually displayed in the fae’s home. The young fable will seclude themselves until they complete it from the day they become immortal.

Upon the commencement of their teaching at Nasrelts Academy, young Fae will paint/craft their masks. From there some will carry it will them always and others place it in a safe location. The masks become symbolic to a soul to each fae, losing it or having it destroyed or stolen can deal huge emotional damage to a Fae, a species that lacks emotional range as a rule. Fable Fae tend to use theirs as status symbols, the flashier and more ornate the better.

Funerary and Memorial customs

As all aspects of Fable Folk life is, their funerals are highly religious, strict and lengthy affairs. They last several days as the bodies are prayed over, anointed and purified. Eventually they are buried in cemeteries and cathedral depending on their status.

Historical figures

Queen Titania, the Seelie Queen was the ruling monarch of the Seelie Fae. Contrary to the belief of some, it was actually she who began the war between the Seelie and Unseelie. She championed the good and true and believed it was her duty to wipe out the darkness of the Faekind. It was she who began the custom adopted by the Plains Folk, to appear to human kind and star as a heroic figure in their times of woe, thus beginning the myths and legends of the Fae for humans. She too died in combat against the Unseelie queen. After her death the Seelie court split in two; the Plains Fae and the Forest Fae. Since her death the Plains Elves have placed her upon a pedestal as a paragon of truth, justice and honour. The Forest Fae chose to remember her more honestly, choosing not to glorify her and loving her good and her bad.


Beauty Ideals

The Fable Folk prefer gold in all appearance; gold hair, gold skin, gold eyes. Even more they prefer demurity, purity and devout faith above all in their partners.
There are those who do not embody these physical traits. However the Plains Folk have an unspoken custom of ostracising, exiling or demonising these Fae. The Folk who do not look like the rest of their court find themselves never able to advance in life or wrongly accused of criminal charges that result in their deaths or exile from Ryren Thalor. 

Gender Ideals

The Fable Fae are the only High Fae that have any form of restrictions on gender. Their ways are antiquated in that in their society male are ranked higher than females and only men may hold significant positions of power or own property. The only high rank a female Fable Elf might attain is through the path of a warrior of Faith. In this regard Fable Fae are more lenient.
Any gender may fight for their faith but only men can become priests, monks or clerics, and given that their government is ran solely by the Faith, no women may have a say.

Courtship Ideals

Courting in Ryren Thalor is a prudish and closely monitored event. It is similar to the courting of historical humans in that it is never done unsupervised, it is very formal and, unlike every other Fae court, never mixes between genders. Single Fable Fae are never left alone together and they are certainly never allowed to have any kind of intimacy.

Relationship Ideals

Bindings are more than common in Ryren Thalor are more than common, they are expected. Plains Fae are expected to be married by the time they reach the age of 500 and all children must be born in wedlock or risk the entire family being shunned. Even religious figures were not exempt from this as the Gold Pantheon made no such stipulations on their clerics, priests and monks.
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