Low Fae Species in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Low Fae

Low Fae is a catch-all term for all Fae species aside from the Elves in the Fae Realm. Given that the number of Low Fae is innumerable and only a small fraction of these species have been named, the Low Fae were content enough to keep the moniker. The forms of the Low Fae vary on a wild scale. They can resemble any animal or plant or hybrids in between with major to minor differences from the original blueprint. That said whilst they may resemble the monsters and beasts also prowling the Fae Realm what differentiates a Low Fae is their sentient minds, their ability to speak and wield magic consciously.
Some of the named Low Fae species include:
  • Brownie
  • Boggart
  • Redcaps
  • Dryads/Nymphs/Slyphs
  • Banshee
  • Gnomes/Bludnik
  • Kobolds
  • Goblins/Imps/Leprechauns
  • Lamia
  • Selkies
  • Harpies
  • Nuckelavee
  • Cat-Sith
  • Trolls
  • Cyclops
  • Minotaur
  • Satyrs
The magic and abilities possessed by the Low Fae species is specified to each one. Some have high magic potential, others next to none. Some excel is specific crafts such as potion brewing. Some rely solely on their physical strengths alone. But just like the High Fae, all Low Fae can wield a glamour no matter the magic abilities they possess.

Because the populations of Low Fae are so much higher than that of the Elves, occurrences of Low Fae crossing to the Human world, both accidentally and on purpose, are much higher. Even the name of the gateways they must use, the Pixie Circles, came about from the number of wild Fae Beasts wandering through the gates accidentally. All Low Fae need the Pixie Circles, to use as Gates.

Just like the High Fae, Low Fae can be controlled by the use of their true name. Another trait all Fae share is the inability to lie and their evasive and manipulative language, although some are more skilled in the latter than others.

In the question of emotions, the Low Fae range the entire spectrum. Some feel next to none, others feel everything so deeply they can't bear it. Some can't even understand the concept of emotions, others can not only understand but also empathise and some can recognise them just to manipulate what they don't have.

Basic Information


There is no defined shape or form of the Low Fae. They can range from roughly humanoid to insectoid to animalistic to walking talking plant forms.

Biological Traits

A glamour is a magic skill possess by all Fae in the Fae Realm. It allows a Fae to cast an illusion over an object or person or to entrance a person. The glamours have no effect when cast on another Fae however and are typically reserved for toying with humans. The glamours can be cancelled out with iron as all Fae have an intense averse reaction to the metal. When iron comes in contact with a glamoured object, the magic dissipates and glamours cast on humans wear iron have no effect.
This is a result of all Fae being incredibly allergic to the metal. Not only does it cancel their magics but contact with iron is any form can cause intense pain, burning and blistering where contact is made. Prolonged exposure can even lead to iron poisoning.

Genetics and Reproduction

Some Low Fae reproduce normally, other asexually, others lay eggs, some pollinate, some duplicate. There is no defined method or gestation period and each of the hundreds of species varies.

Ecology and Habitats

As time passed, the Low Fae migrated across the Fae Realm to biomes that suited them. As such Low Fae of each nation are typically adapted and biologically suited to their habitat. You will never find a Low Fae that hates water, in the Swamplands for example, nor a Low Fae that needs cold in the South.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Some of the Low Fae live in communities with High Fae, others live in on their own, others only with their own kind. Those that live separately tend to be leery of all other Fae. Those that live in communities tend to be willing to co-exist with other Fae.
How they are treated by the High Fae in each nation however, differs.
The Blood Elves respect strength. So long as a Blood Low can prove themselves strong or useful in some way to the warrior lifestyle as all Blood Elves must, they have no problems with the Low Fae living among them. Blood Lows can gain rank in the Swamplands and even be tribe chiefs if they are strong enough. If the Blood Low is not strong they will still be accepted. It is only when a Blood Low or Blood Elf shows dishonour or cowardice that they are expelled.
The Plains Fae assume themselves superior to all around them, especially the Low Fae. Despite their territory having the highest populations of Low Fae, they are seen as lesser to the Fable Elves. When confronted with this fact however, Plains low and Plains Folk will both deny this fact and those closer to the gods hold higher rank. In their eyes, because the Plains Fae hold religious rankings they deserve to be higher ranked than them.
The Ash Folk, despite being the higher social rank in the nation's governing system, still treat their Ash Low brethren with respect, seeing them as just that, brethren. They view and treat the Low Ash as they would an Ash Folk.
The Forest Elves do not and have never differentiated between High and Low Fae. To them all Fae are Fae and all Fae deserve to live as they wish. The Forest Low are accepted and welcomed and can even hold the highest ranking position in their nation.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

There are cases of many of the Low Fae being killed or exploited for their by-products. Some Low Fae choose to barter these by-products they produce but others are not so willing and can be hunted and killed by Low and high Fae alike for uses in anything from weapons to clothing to potions or spell ingredients.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Low Fae are spread across the Fae Realm and have inhabited every biome in the land, even those uninhabitable for the High Fae. The only areas they don't live in are the Serpent's Gate and the Boiling Man's Pass.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unlike the High Fae who protect their true name by adding to in order to make it harder discover in its entirety, the Low Fae have only one name. This is the name given by the gods. They hide it with a chosen nickname or alias.


In ancient times the Fae were all one species. These Primordial Fae all lived on a landmass without borders or countries. Their ruler however was a cruel creature who wanted to be a god rather than a king. He began experiments on his people, to create new species. His tyranny continued until the only remaining Primordials left were his two daughters.
He classified these new species he created under two designations; those who bore a high resemblance to the original Fae forms and those with a low resemblance. These designations were shortened over the years of his cruelty to Low and High Fae. Despite the designations, neither new species managed to fully retain their Primordial original form. The monikers stemmed from purely aesthetic reasons. The High Fae were genetically no closer to the Primordial Fae than the Low Fae. Both species still held the same Fae makeup; the names categorised only their appearances. Eventually all the new Fae, High and Low, adopted other names, The High Fae taking Elves as their species name.
Finally the Fae had had enough and, led by the King's daughters, overthrew and killed the tyrant. The shockwave from the death of the one tied to the Realm as Ruler, tore the land apart.
The Two Daughters became Queens in their own rights, one of the Darker Species of Fae, the other of the lighter.
Over the millennia of their rule the Low Fae slowly migrated to locations more suited to each species needs. They made alliances with the Elves living there and eventually became so tied to their lands that none would ever consider a Low Fae species living anywhere but where they were. When their Elf brethren offered them a voice to their Queens under the new Elf factions, they accepted and each land's Low Fae Adopted the name of the faction as their own, creating the Ash Low, the Blood Low, the Plains Low and the Forest Low. Without the elf factions none of the Low Fae species had high enough populations to warrant audience's with their Queens.
Given that the Low Fae species all had low populations and each had differing skills and abilities they decided to teach their own young. The elven representatives pleaded with their queens for schools to teach their young and the two sister queens made a decision. They would vacate the castle fortress they had been calling home, the one built by their father and the birthplace of all Fae species, and it would become a place for all High Fae to learn what they could be. But when the Queens created the school for the Elven young, the Low Fae requested positions in the school, to ensure the school would not create young elves that saw Low Fae as lesser.
But it was this separation of the two queens that created a rift. Now living in two castles at opposite ends of the Realm and both ruling in very different ways, they both grew leery of the other.
Eventually the Seelie Queen snapped.
She thought her sister and her people were evil incarnate, darkness personified and believed it was her duty to wipe out the darkness. She sanctioned the first attack and the war began.
The Seelie and Unseelie war raged for generations and both queens watched their Fae people, high and low alike, fall in waves. Eventually the two sisters could handle the grief no more. They met on the battlefield alone and fought.
Neither left that battlefield alive.
After the loss of their respective queen, both courts splintered based on their geographical separation, to be led by the faction leaders that had once for them to their queens.
Despite time having passed since the Seelie and Unseelie queens' deaths, all Fae but most especially the High Fae still maintain the animosity of their centuries long conflict and the alliances of their former courts; Blood with Ash and Plains with Forest.

Historical Figures

The Unseelie Queen, Queen Una was the monarch of the Unseelie Court. She ruled the Unseelie for millenia and always championed the darker urges of the Faekind. She died in battle against the Seelie Queen. With her death, the Unseelie court tore apart into the Blood Fae and the Ash Fae. Among the Unseelie she is regarded with awe and a continuing grief despite millennia having passed since her death. Likewise the Seelie still regard her as evil incarnate, and use stories of her to scare their young.

Queen Titania, the Seelie Queen was the ruling monarch of the Seelie Fae. Contrary to the belief of some, it was actually she who began the war between the Seelie and Unseelie. She championed the good and true and believed it was her duty to wipe out the darkness of the Faekind. It was she who began the custom adopted by the Plains Folk, to appear to human kind and star as a heroic figure in their times of woe, thus beginning the myths and legends of the Fae for humans. She too died in combat against the Unseelie queen. After her death the Seelie court split in two; the Plains Fae and the Forest Fae. Since her death the Plains Elves have placed her upon a pedestal as a paragon of truth, justice and honour. The Forest Fae chose to remember her more honestly, choosing not to glorify her and loving her good and bad.
Primordial Fae
800 years
Related Myths

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