Prophecy of the Queens Myth in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Prophecy of the Queens

A girl, both stranger and known to these lands, that holds gifts unseen to the Fair Folk in aeons.
When the day comes that that lost heir returns, her promise shall cause a time of fortune and an age of unity.
With that time comes the enemy’s return, and her promise shall bring strife and grief.
As the fires burn blue, she brings forth the rise of ways once forgotten.

Historical Basis

It is unknown when exactly this prophecy started, only that it has been around for millennia and refers to the heir of one of the old Queens of the Seelie and Unseelie courts. Prior to the fight that killed them, both sisters apparently mentioned to their advisors their regret that there was no heir to inherit their court. Sometime after their deaths, and the courts had split into their factions the prophecy began to circulate. No one knows who read the first prophecy but it repeats once every decade and is read every time.


The prophecy is far spread and well known. Being so old however, some Fae doubt they will ever see its fruition in their lifetime and are uninterested in its meaning whilst others still search for the meaning everywhere.

Variations & Mutation

Whilst the prophecy has remained unchanged for millennia, the interpretations made by scholars, civilians, rulers and even warriors vary wildly and it has led to many disputes over the generations.

Cultural Reception

The Seelie and Unseelie have always argued about the identity of the heir; mainly if she is the Seelie or Unseelie heir. There have been many purported candidates on both sides as to her identity and many interpretations about what the promises could mean or refer to. The most general interpretations are that the Seelie heir will rise to reinstate the ways of the primordial fae under one ruler with no courts or that the Unseelie heir will return to reunite the unseelie court together. Both assume the other's heir will oppose theirs.
But with the recent enrolment of two certain women at the academy, the interpretations have gotten more specific and widely accepted.

The Seelie Interpretation
A half blood that has the immunities of each fae type arrives in the fae realm for the first time. She is heralded as the heir of the Seelie Queen, who will bring back the ways of the primordial where all fae lived together without clans and distinctions. But the Unseelie Queen returns too, seeking power and war and to maintain the Fae Court's separation.

The Unseelie Interpretation
A fae girl returns to her home realm after being exiled with her mother as a young child. She holds skills and logic of mortals as well of Fae. She is recognised as the successor of the Unseelie Queen and is meant to unite and rebuild the Unseelie court from its ruin. But the Seelie Queen rises also and seeks to force all Fae into subservience to the Seelie.
Date of First Recording
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