Red Pantheon Organization in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Red Pantheon

The term Red Pantheon refers to both the Pantheon of grisly gods and the name of the religion that reveres them. The Red Pantheon is made up of the Gods and Patrons who revel in blood and passion and war.
They favour the Blood Fae and Blood Low who follow their religion, and are the benefactors of their magical prowess.
They are known as the most chaotic and vengeful gods but are also seen as the most debauched and merry.

The Gods
  • Thartune, Goddess Of Conquest
  • Zenas, God Of War and Bloodshed
  • Ebris, God Of Destruction & Chaos
  • Aslen, God of Pain & Suffering
  • Thytneas, Goddess Of Revenge & Betrayal
  • Kaara, Goddess Of Passion, Rage & Love

  • The Wild Band
  • The Laughing Lord (serves directly under Thytneas, Goddess Of Revenge & Betrayal)
  • Dratris, Lady Of War & Battle (serves directly under her husband, Zenas, God Of War and Bloodshed)

All gods in the Red Pantheon can be called upon by Fae of any land and religion by they are only worshiped by the Blood in the Swamplands. An example of this could be that an Ash Fae might invoke Zenas in a situation of battle. The Ash Fae is still calling upon a Red Pantheon God but does not offer worship, merely invokes his divine domain, War.

Tenets of Faith

Unlike other Fae faiths, the Red Gods have no specific commandments or laws. They merely encourage their Fae to follow and revel under their divine domains, to seek war and passion etc.


As one might expect, followers of the Red Pantheon seek out war and battle. They esteem the glory of combat and victory and uphold strength as their highest quality. However there is another facet to their faith and way of life. They do not just seek war but also passion and joy and revelry. They are the most wild and festive of all Fae cultures in their efforts to seek it out and revere the passion of their emotions.


The Red Pantheon has no specified places of worship. Rather instead every Fae or Fae household or clan will have its own personal altar, ritual or totem that they use to offer praise. These worshipping methods are personal to each Fae and vary as a result. Some use ritualistic dances or chant or battle cries. Others use effigies that they might burn or recreate each time. Others use more traditional methods like praying at altars or to totems.
Religious, Pantheon
Related Ethnicities

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