Blood Fae Ethnicity in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Blood Fae

The Blood Fae, also known as the Blood Folk or the Blood Elves are the High Fae that call the Swamplands home. They are known for their tribalistic natures and their war-hungry and heated attitudes. They have a long standing friendship with the Ash Folk and an intermittent dispute with the Forest Elves who they raid occasionally.
The Blood Folk are beholden to the Red Gods and their Pantheon of hedonistic, war-loving ways. They revere the fight and the bloodlust and the frenzy of passion and parties. Their magics are all linked to the spilling of Blood.

After the death of the Unseelie Queen, the already fragile society of the Blood Elves threatened to crumble. It was held together as it always is, by the Warlord; they that is strongest of all, to whom the tribe chiefs bow. Just as the first Warlord did, that Warlord went tribe by tribe, quashing rebellion and keeping the Blood Folk strong. This has always been the way of Blood Fae since their faction first formed under the Unseelie Queen. Each tribe rules themselves but the Warlord is the one who keeps the peace between them and makes choices for them all. It is a title granted by challenge. Only defeating the current Warlord and being accepted by all the tribe chiefs can one gain the title.

The tribes and clans of the Swamplands are innumerous. Some have more Blood Folk, some have less. Some are made entirely of one species of Low Fae, some are mixed with Low and High. Some live in simple huts in the rivers, others in villages hidden among the swamps and some in port towns lining the coasts. They may differ in their size and architecture but none alter in attitude; they are bloodthirsty, violent and hedonistic. They revel often and fight frequently. Their ships are oft seen as pirates, pillaging and looting other nations.

Just as all other Fae, the Blood Fae cannot lie and whilst they enjoy the art of subversive speech and deception wrapped in truths, they are also some of the most straightforward of the Fae. They are harsh and blunt and like to speak with their actions. They will only take riddle so far before they grow bored and lash out.
Just as all High Fae have an immunity, so too do the Blood Elves. They are immune to the effects of iron. The metal does not burn them. Prolonged contact does not make them ill. They cannot get iron poisoning let alone die from it. They are the only Fae in the entire realm to wield iron weapons.

The Blood Folk's magic is linked with blood. They use blood to give them strength, to curse others, to fuel rituals and spells. Some spells require their own blood, some need of blood of others, enemies.
Some of the ranks a Blood Elf can have after leaving the academy include:
  • Barbarian
  • Warlock
  • Blood hunter
  • Blood mage
  • Avenger
  • War mage
  • Bard
  • Rune Readers
All Blood Folk are trained in the art of war and warriors. Even should they choose to follow a different path they still learn. Whilst warriors gain rank and respect through their acts of war, even those that choose non-warrior paths are still accepted in their communities. They gain ranks in their own ways so long as their ways are useful to their tribe.


Culture and cultural heritage

Each tribe has a territory within which they hunt, gather and tend. Territory skirmishes are quite common as tribes fight to get larger land areas. The tribe will use their lands to hunt and train against the monsters found there or to harvest food or goods from the swamps. What spare food, good or loot the tribe has is sent upstream each week to the port cities, to be sold by a merchant of their tribe for coin.
The swamplands has many beasts for the Fae to hunt and they enjoy challenging themselves by taking on the most dangerous monsters. It is only when the skirmishes between tribes grow too large or cause too much damage, that the Warlord of the Blood Fae steps in. Usually a tribe chief in their own right, the warlord is the strongest Fae in the Swamplands and keeps the peace between the tribes and towns. It is down to them to decide if the entire nation goes to war, or if tribes have permission to act against other tribes or raid other nations. Outside of those matters each tribe governs themselves. The only tribe outside of the Warlord's decisions about raiding other nations are the Blood Bridge tribe, those who guard the only entrance to the Swamplands from the Forests of Eldemur. These Fae are granted the right to raid as they please as a reward for their duty to guard the bridge and their nation.

Shared customary codes and values

The Blood Elves revolve their society around strength and war. Despite each clan being separate from each other they still share that. The clans will occasionally war and fight amongst themselves to establish strength rankings especially when on tribe has had a change in leadership. The unofficial tribe ranking determines such things are leaders among allied clans, tributes sent to the strongest form the weakness etc.
Along the same lines, if an outsider can display their strength or warrior spirit, they are likely to be welcomed among the Blood Fae. So long as this outsider displays respect and doesn't threaten the tribe they will be offered food and warmth and even sometimes asked to train with the warriors of the tribe so that they might learn new techniques.
The Blood Elves have no qualms about following or living amongst the Blood Low. They hold their Low Fae brethren to the same standards as they would any Blood Elf; if they can wield a weapon they're part of the tribe, if they can support or assist their people they're part of the tribe, if they show cowardice they are not welcome.

Average technological level

The port towns are somewhat of an anathema to the rest of the savage Swamplands. They are the most cultured and urban areas of the entire nation, serving as some of the largest trading ports in the Fae realm, even when half the ships docking there are their own pirate ships.

Common Etiquette rules

Despite living by such savage and bloody rules the Blood Fae are the most emotionally open of all the High Fae.
Unlike the suspicious Ash Folk, the peaceful Forest Elves and the severe Plains Fae, the Blood Folk revere the Red Pantheon, among which is the Goddess of Passion. Because of this the Blood Elves believe that if you have to do something, do it so well as to evoke an emotion to a passionate, feverous degree. Yes they celebrate hate and rage and the fervour of battle but they also uphold love, lust, joy and humour to an equal standard. These ideals are the those that all Blood Fae live by no matter the tribe, no matter the technological level of their home; blood, war and passion.
As a result the Blood Folk are arguably the savage of all Fae not only in their actions but their demeanour too. They outrank even the sadistic Ash Folk. This is because they aim to derive glee from each taunt, each manipulation. They don't play long games so each trick is designed to be as vindictive as possible.

Common Dress code

It is rare to see a Blood Folk out of armour. Those armours are typically made from hides and leathers harvested from the Blood Elf's hunts in the Swamps. Even those who do not wear armour, still tend to favour leathers in some fashion. What rough cloth they do wear are often red, blacks and browns, to blend with their swamps or to avoid washing out blood stains.

Art & Architecture

The Blood Fae live mostly in huts built over and around the Swamp rivers. Every town is defended by walls of spikes. The huts likewise are built from wood but they are insulated from the rains of the Swamps by the hides of felled beasts. Every home with the Swamplands uses hides is some form or another, whether it be as roofing, as insulation, decorations or furniture.
The only outliers from the majority of Blood Fae architecture, are the port towns. The buildings in these towns are larger, more structured and urban. These port towns often have large markets and trading ports and boast many taverns and bars.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

In the Swamp Lands it is tradition for warriors to get a traditional tattoo after each significant battle or fight. It's supposed to be a symbol of courage and honour.
It is also tradition for warriors to perform a ritualistic and intimidating dance on the Summer Solstice. It's supposed to be a symbol of confidence and ferocity and it's usually part of a greater festival that lasts a week.
It is tradition for young Fae in the Swamplands, high and low, to receive training or counsel from their entire tribe before they have come of age. The Blood Fae believe in making sure a young Fae is the greatest warrior they can be and denying a child knowledge that exists outside of familial groups is seen as ludicrous to them.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a child is born in the Swamplands, they are marked with the symbol of the Red Pantheon on their palms of their hands with the blood of the parents or parent.

When a Blood Elf is born to single parents and both parents wish to claim the child, the winner of the claim is decided as everything in the Swamplands is; through combat. A challenge is laid down and the winner gets rights to the child. That said the Blood Fae are the most willing of all High Fae, to allow the losing parent access to the child. Few High Fae courts allows this but the Blood Folk believe in making the strongest warriors and the more trainers for their child the better.

Blood Fae are the most common High Fae to use the changeling custom where the babe is swapped with a human infant. Many warriors do not wish to spend a century raising a Fae child. Swapping their child with a human and returning 2 decades later to collect a fully grown Fae is fae simpler.

Coming of Age Rites

Every Summer Solstice, the Blood Fae hold a special festival. All Young Fae, High and Low that have come of age that year take part in the Blood Fae Age Rites. The two part ceremony involves all the young Fae taking part in a beast hunt to prove their strength followed by a combat tournament to determine the strongest of the new young Fae and to provide a starting point for where their warrior paths should start. These positions are not permanent and a young Fae that doesn't fight well in the tourney may still grow to become a strong warrior and vice versa. The festival is held at each tribe, clan and settlement.
After being acknowledges as an adult in the eyes of their tribe, a young Fae will be gifted a weapon from their parent/parents. This weapon, usually handcrafted, symbolising the acceptance of the parent that the child may now fight alongside them as a warrior as opposed to being protected behind them.
Upon the commencement of their teaching at Nasrelts Academy, young Fae will paint/craft their masks. From there some will carry it will them always and others place it in a safe location. The masks become symbolic to a soul to each fae, losing it or having it destroyed or stolen can deal huge emotional damage to a Fae, a species that lacks emotional range as a rule. Some wear their mask into battle as a sign they are unafraid of death. This is most common amongst the Blood Fae who rarely part with their death masks.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In the Fae realm it is tradition to cover the face of the deceased with a mask. It's supposed to prevent the spirit of the deceased from trying to return.

Blood Folk Funerals focus of honouring the deceased and their triumphs in battle and life. The deceased is placed in a boat, the length and size of which is determined by the actions and respect gained by the dead in their lifetime. The weapons and the armours of the dead are placed on the boat and the body and boat decorated to with flowers, art and gifts. The boat is set adrift and fired upon by the clan of the deceased with flaming arrows. The body and the boat burn as it travels down stream, a floating pyre.

Historical figures

The Unseelie Queen, Queen Una was the adored monarch of the Unseelie Fae. She died in battle against the Seelie Queen. With her death, the Unseelie court tore apart into the Blood Fae and the Ash Fae. She is regarded with awe and a continuing grief despite millennia having passed since her death.

The First Warlord - In ancient times, the Blood Folk were even more savage and tribalistic. They warred amongst themselves constantly, split into small clans all defending and seeking more territory. It wasn't until one Blood Fae, knowing the Blood would never have a voice to the Unseelie Queen like the Ash did so long as they were divided, took action. She went from tribe to tribe, accompanied by only her mate and defeated each chief, demanding their oath of loyalty so long as her strength was unbeaten. After she had the vows of every clan in the Swamplands, she went to the Unseelie Queen and requested the right to act as a representative of all the Fae in the Swamplands.
The Unseelie Queen accepted and the warrior gained her people their rightful place at the Queen's side in her court. From then, the title has passed down to only those who could defeat the Warlord and earn the respect of the chiefs as she once did.


Beauty Ideals

The Blood Elves are the most visually diverse of the High Fae. They have no defining physical features that would mark one as Blood Fae. Rather it is their strength and skill with weaponry alongside an air of violence that clings to them that marks those of the Blood.
With regards to attractions the Blood Fae are attracted to strength and warrior spirit.

Gender Ideals

The Blood Elves have never given credence to such a thing as Gender Roles or Ideals. So long as a Fae can wield a weapon or magic and does not act against their tribe, they may act, dress and do as they please.

Courtship Ideals

The Blood Folk are hedonistic, vulgar and debauched. They party wildly, fight savagely and play violently. It is no surprise that their courting is much the same. A blood fae does not need to be in a relationship to have dalliances and more often than not they don't bother but a pair does decide to court it is a fierce affair, with both fighting to earn it against other and each other.

Relationship Ideals

Binding among the Blood Fae is not rare but it is not common either. the Blood Folk do not bind for advantage or familial rights as other courts do. The only reason a Blood Fae will marry another is love. It is a uncommon reason among a species that does not feel emotions deeply but for those who worship the Red Pantheon and hold passion and fervour so highly it is the only reason that makes sense.
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