The After Myth in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The After

The After is what the Fae folk call their afterlife or at least, where they go after. 
As a people who live for centuries the Fair Folk are not inclined to discuss death often, especially when none of them know for sure where they go.
Deceased Fae summoned back give little details other than they walked through fog and are now where they belong. Others have recounted waiting beyond the fog for loved ones but never where they waited or what happened after their wait was over. When asked directly about the After, deceased Fae have only ever replied that 'they are where they are', or 'they are where they belong'.
It is a common acceptation that The Myst is the fog the deceased walk through and the that After is located beyond it.


The Fae do not like to discuss what comes after death. They know they go somewhere since ghosts and spirits of their deceased have told them they are somewhere. But the uncertainty and the inability to find answers related to the subject until the time of death leaves them uneasy when discussing it.
As such, if they did need to discuss the subject, they only ever referred to it as 'where they go after'. Over time this evolved into it being known as 'The After'.

Historical Basis

The After and the Myst have existed for as long as the Fae can remember. However there is no evidence of it within the ancient texts of the Primordial Fae, prompting some scholars to believe that the Primordials never died and that the concept of death and moving on were created by the death of the first King.
Scholars have proposed that since the deaith of the First King created all land masses as they exist currently, it could stand to reason, it created the Myst and what lives beyond also. The fact that the King's daughters, the Seelie and Unseelie Queens, Una and Titania lived for several lifespans of the average Fae before their deaths at the hands of each other, has been the cause of many academic debates over the ages as scholars argue if the two Queens possessed the ability to die or if they only did so at the hands of each other.


Every Fae in the Realm knows the After. And it makes them all uneasy.

Variations & Mutation

There have been attempts over time to guess at what lies beyond. These were mostly made by the Plains Folk, in an effort to alleviate fear about the subject by relating it to their religion, the Gold Pantheon. This did not take however as the domains of death and spirits belong to the Black Pantheon, not the Gold. 
Every attempt to create a narrative about 'what comes after' has faded to obscurity because of the common knowledge that no one knows or could ever know.
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