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Cl. Arius Vicary


Cl. Arius Vicary is a vicary in Central Larfleur on Insurba in the River Lar. Cl. Arius was the centre of the old Dominion city and was home to several of the oldest wooden buildings in the city, which have survived years of fire, war, and plague.     Cl. Arius occupies the centre of Insurba and is known as "prena" ("the first"). Its inhabitants are affluent and proud of their long history. The vicary is home to the Guild Hall, the Counting House, and Cl. Cellian's Palace. The Cardery is the main street of Cl. Arius and it runs from the front of Cl. Cellian's Palace across Little Bridge and through Cl. Kiles Vicary and then out of the city. The Cardery follows an old Ghasscari road.   Following a fire in 120 PT, the Museum of Larfleur was established on top of the ruins of a slum. The Museum faces onto the river and a small dock was built so it could receive the largest artefacts. The Museum complex is spread across several buildings connected by elevated stone and glass walkways.


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