Xena Deadshot

Father - Zor Sure Tracker
Mother - Lyna Healing Hands
Younger Brother - Lafe
  We were both born on the edge of a forest that was near the grasslands far from human settlements.   While I was still quite young, our band camped near a small village. The morning after our arrival what looked like a small caravan of merchants approached us, but as soon as they were among us they pulled swords and daggers out and attacked us. They yelled, "Death to all Centaurs!".
  My family and two others escaped, but most of the band was killed. We later learned that particular village had recently been raided and pillaged by a different band of Centaurs, and many humans had died. They now vow to kill all of our kind they come across. There have been other conflicts with humans in the years following.
  I hate humans. I will not hesitate to kill humans if I detect the slightest hint of betrayal.   Little brother has not yet earned a title among us.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment
