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Astrazalia, often referred to as The City of Starlight, is a city of white towers and winding streets, and island in the middle of the Sapphire Sea and home to over 30,000 eladrin. The city straddles two worlds. For half the year, this brilliant, shining community rising from the forested hills clings to an emerald isle. Yet when winter’s grasp tightens and the first frost settles across the land, the city fades. The towers and walls grow thin, and the city returns once more to the Feywild in a swirl of snow and mist. Brave champions stand ready to throw back the twisted hordes stumbling out from the long night. Wizards hurl death against witches and warlocks capering in the gloom. Phoenix's lift to the sky to rain terror on the enemies who have assailed Astrazalia’s borders for centuries beyond counting.
During the Spring and Summer months, Astrazalia lies in the Prime Material Plane where it’s a brilliant, shining city rising from forested hills clinging to an emerald isle. There it thrives; music of all kinds can be heard throughout the streets, dancing seen at every turn, the sound so compelling even the most stoic of people can’t help but move to the beat. The promise of riches and lore lures mortals from miles around to trade, study, and mingle with the strange people living there and to experience the healing offered by the priests roaming the halls inside their graceful towers. Diplomats flock to the city, eager to form ties and eventual relations between noble houses, hoping for alliances that last lifetimes. Traders and craftsmen are eager to set up trade agreements with the eladrin who make residence there, enamored by their strange goods and impeccable craftsmanship. There are celebrations every night, the residents eager for a respite from the constant wars they face whilst in the Feywild.
But when the seasons change and the emerald leaves change colors and fall from the tree, Astrazalia returns to the Feywild. There, it crowns the blasted land between those ruled by the Court of Stars and those subject to the fomorian tyrants. When those towers resolve against the darkened sky, an ancient conflict resumes. War grips the legendary city, and the people there must give their all to its defense lest it falls to slaughter and ruin. Lady Laurëa is constantly in meetings with Zelphar Aerasumé, the head of The Sword Guard, creating plans and strategies to fight off the attacking Fomorians, and if she’s not in the War Room, she is on the training field or in the thick of battle.
Any mortals who return to the Feywild with Astrazalia find themselves in a constant state of siege from the moment the city fades back into existence. As terrifying as this prospect is, opportunities abound for the fearless and foolhardy. Lady Laurëa often assigns hazardous tasks to mortal sellswords rather than risk losing any of her valuable garrison troops. To gain the favor of Laurëa is to gain the favor of the Summer Queen. Service to Astrazalia can earn mortals rare magical boons, favors from eladrin scholars, or even shave decades off the time required to petition for an audience with the Court of Stars.


Astrazalia is much odder than other Eladrin cities, not only in the way it moves between planes of existence but also in its method of ruling. Depending on what world the city lies in determines who rules the city. During the fall and winter months it is ruled by High Lady Laurëa: The First Sword of the city, an eladrin warlord who’s as stern as she is wise, though her concern is more focused on battle tactics rather than diplomacy. She’s a coarse woman, not entertained by the games often played in high court, preferring to fight with a sword than words. She’s one of the finest tacticians in the Feywild, making her an obvious choice for her position of power: being the distant niece of Queen Titania only cemented the choice.   However, during the Spring and Summer months, when Astrazalia returns to the Prime Material Plane, a council of ten rules the city. This council is made up of the head of the 10 Noble Houses in Astrazalia, these are the oldest and most powerful houses in the city. Unlike Mithrendain, which has more of a democratic republic, the council of Astrazalia is not voted upon, however, a member can be asked to step down, causing the next heir from the house to take their place. This is only in theory, however, since a council member has never been forced to step down from their position.   Summer Council:
  • Maedhros Vyshaan
  • Luwin Miriitar
  • Beren Dlar ‘Drageth
  • Curuthannor Aelethorii
  • Galinor Irithyll
  • Faernodir Starym
  • Lhéwen Elestar
  • Viseryia Tal ‘Evenara
  • Othin Nil ‘Tessine
  • Nuriel Selorn


In the early days of Astrazalia, it used to float in the sky, a magical ward placed by the cities founder Valanthe Mystralath. But after the Spellplague, the magic holding the city in the sky failed, the magic was never restated as Valanthe vanished years before with all the other Star Elves. Astrazalia now resides as an island in the center of the Sapphire Sea, it's entrance viscously guarded by guards.   The city is also home to the eight enormous Walking Statues of Astrazalia. Seven of these statues could be animated by High Lady Laurëa to defend the city, while one was too damaged to be activated. These statues were extremely destructive and only used to fend off armies or win otherwise impossible battles.   Astrazalia also maintains two separate armed forces. The Sword Guard acts as soldiery and its members staffed garrisons, road patrols, and watch posts, and served as bodyguards and gate guards. The Watch was the local police force, acting as a constabulary within the city. When it came to incoming attacks, The Sunburst Calvary would take the lead. It is a specialty branch of The Sword Guard who are trained to ride and fight while atop phoenixes. They get their iconic name from the silvery fire they blast at their enemies as they soar through the battlefield, leaving nothing but fire and death in their wake. Training with these mounts can take sometimes decades and it takes place at Phoenix Rest, far enough away from constant combat so they may peacefully train. The stable master is an old elf by the name of Faenor who will train 10 - 15 potential riders at a time.   It is also rumored that at the lake's floor, put into a deep sleep with magic is a sea titan. The ruler of Astrazalia wears a talisman that is said to control the binding that on the titan. In times of necessity, the talisman would be destroyed and the titan would awaken. This is seen as a last resort option only, as the titan would cause immeasurable damage that may never be repaired.

Industry & Trade

With a plethora of evergreen, shadowtop, and duskwood groves available to the city via the Moonwood to the north, Astrazalia is regarded as the premier exporter of timber, rope, and high-quality paper products. Books, ink, as well as glassware and furs round out the other top exports of Astrazalia.   The most frequent imports include grains, livestock, precious metals and ores, as well as textiles, clothing, and pre-fabricated equipment like armor and weapons.


The Emerald Citadel

The Emerald Citadel looms high over northern Astrazalia, a mighty castle of faded white marble, now covered with climbing ivy and sprouting plants. As the highest point in the gradually sloping city, its emerald-tipped spires can be seen from anywhere below. Visitors to the citadel first climb a grand set of stairs, curved like a flowing river of marble, before reaching its brass gates. The Sword Guard aggressively protects the castle's main entrance, rejecting any commoner who does not have an invitation to the palace marked with the High Lady's seal. High Lady Lauréa's monocled majordomo, a silver-haired elf named Ibbimas, screens all of the High Lady's supplicants.   The palace's high, vaulted ceilings are supported by pillars of gleaming marble carved in the image of tall elm trees, such that the ceilings are a canopy made of marble. Beautiful portraits of past rulers and opulent tapestries of Valanthe and the creation of Astrazalia line the walls. The citadel is made up of four main levels. The basement levels hold the castle dungeons, as well as grand vaults containing fabulous treasure, historical artifacts, and tacky humancraft gifts given by emissaries. The first floor holds lush quarters for ambassadors and visiting dignitaries. The second floor's chambers are dedicated to business of state, including the High Lady's throne room. The towers above the citadel contain studies and quarters for the High Lady and her family.  

The Memory Ward

The Memory Ward is the mind of Astrazalia, and is contained within a ring of marble walls in Astrazalia's northeast reaches. A winding stair, the One Thousand Steps, leads up to its lofty gate. Standing in the center of its grand court is the mystical Sequoia of Remembrance, a three hundred foot tall redwood within which are stored the lives and memories of every elf. Wisps of violet light flit about the sequoia's ancient boughs, and those who look closely into their centers have been known to catch glimpses of eras past, troubles present, and things that yet may be. The great redwood and its spirits are watched and tended to by the Dreamweavers, elves who have dedicated their waking and sleeping lives to the protection of their heritage. About five hundred Dreamweavers and five thousand scholars, merchants, and other elves call this district their home.   The elves are a culture obsessed with tradition and the past. As such, the Dreamweavers are among the most well-respected factions within Astrazalia. Their leader, Questra, the Voice of Memory, is likewise the most revered and socially powerful. Questra rarely descends from her tower of moonlight in the south of the Memory Ward, but when she does, all of Astrazalia pays heed.

Beryl Keep

Beryl Keep is the fortress district that houses the might of Astrazalia. Situated on a hill in the northwest of the city, thick walls of green-leaf beryl separate the district from the rest of Astrazalia. Within these walls are rows of barracks, archery ranges, trance chambers, forges, mess halls, and all the other necessities of training an army of long-lived magical elves. At the far northwest of the district is the Beryl Keep itself. The near-unassailable fortress proves the saying that even the most utilitarian of elven things are beautiful to mortal eyes. Six ancient eucalyptus trees mark the boundaries of the keep, but between them grows a thick curtain of ironbark, and a dense canopy of impenetrable steelfern forms its roof. Legend says that when Astrazalia's need is greatest, the six ancient eucalyptus trees that guard the keep will uproot and march as mighty treants to defend the bastion of the elves.   Beryl Keep is commanded by Verdant Lord Zelphar Aerasumé and his second in command, Elrohir Parendil; Captain of the Sunburst Calvary. Astrazalia's master strategist uses a seeing crystal within his war room to view all of the Moonwood. From this vantage point, he commands his forces like a chessmaster, always one step ahead of the savage threats within the enchanted forest. So far, Astrazalia remains safe because its enemies are wild and disorganized. Were they to unify, the might of the Sword Guard would truly be put to the test.   The armies of Astrazalia are about five thousand elves strong, though only about three thousand are within district at any time. The rest are stationed at outposts within the Moonwood and the Feywild.  

The Tarn Ward

The Tarn Ward is Astrazalia's central ward, a peaceful commerce district surrounding Lake Ywynnlas and split by the channels that feed it. An elven market is unlike any business center in mortal lands. From sunrise to sunset, no business is conducted here, save for food at public houses and beds at inns. During the daylight hours, elves socialize, play, and meditate here like in any other city.   At nightfall, however, the market changes. The Tarn Thoroughfare opens at moonrise, lit only by the heavens and by floating lanterns. The streets are silent but for the ethereal elvensong that guides those who know how to listen through the district. Elves and half-elves raised in Astrazalia know this musical language, but those unfamiliar with it must use a comprehend languages spell to follow the melody. When the river of sound guides a customer to a vendor, they speak in hushed elvish, like an audience whispering at the theatre.   Any basic goods can be purchased here at 200% their usual cost. These goods, however, are of fine elven make. Weapons have a +1 bonus to damage rolls, horses and other mounts increase their movement speed by 10 feet, and other items are possessed of unearthly beauty and uncanny durability. All common magic items can be easily found here, and any uncommon magic item has a 50% chance of being found here.  

The Reverie Walks

The Reverie Walks make up the artistic and spiritual center of Astrazalia. This district is a winding labyrinth of living trees and stones. Elves who seek brief meditation may wander the Reverie Walks for a few short hours, entering a trance-like state as they do. Those who seek true enlightenment may dedicate years of their near-immortal lives to wandering the evershifting labyrinth, finding peace in isolation or in search of the Stone of the Protector in the labyrinth's center. An elven monk named Lyssev Sorveline has walked the labyrinth for five hundred years, seeking answers to questions even the gods to not know. Some elves leave gifts of food for the Wanderer within the labyrinth, allowing them to continue their eternal meditation in peace.

Guilds and Factions

In addition to the martial factions which defend the city and surrounding region, there exist a number of other organizations which operate to varying degrees within Astrazalia's walls. Some of these factions have direct ties to the Prime Material Plane, this is due to Astrazalia's ability to phase into the realm during Spring and Summer months.   The Emerald Enclave, Zhentarim, Harpers, and Lord's Alliance also have a presence within the city, though they, like the Harpers, are not unique to Astrazalia. The Emerald Enclave focuses their efforts on working alongside the Logger's Guild to keep the Moonwood healthy and free of threats to the workforce, while the Zhentarim serve as mercenaries and the Lord's Alliance serves in diplomatic roles when it comes to matters involving the greater Sword Coast.

Points of interest

Spires of Yurek

Spires of Yurek is a series of dormitories and vendors that radiate out from the sequoia's branches to the district's walls, providing essentials for not only Dreamweavers, but the elven scholars who teach, study, and experiment with magic within the Spires of Yurek. This academy was named for Yurek Windkeeper established wizard and personal counselor to the Voice of Memory. The school is small compared to most in other major cities, but its seven marble towers are no less awe-inspiring. Characters who visit the Spires of Yurek can learn any historical fact with a DC 20 Intelligence (History) check, and even uncover hints toward long-lost secrets with a DC 25 check. New spells are constantly being invented here, and countless tomes filled with ancient spells can be found within the libraries.  

Lake Ywnnlas

Like the market that encircles it, Lake Ywnnlas changes beneath the light of the moon. When lit by sunlight, its clear waters are filled with dozens of magically propelled boats and their mirthful elven riders. At night, the cheerful boats disappear, and the lake becomes a perfect mirror of the night sky above. On rare nights when the spiral-shaped constellation of the Imprisoned is high in the sky, spectral figures dance across Ywnnlas' surface, bright as starlight and casting now reflection. Myth surrounds the star spirits: of their ancient curse, of their betrayal of the moon goddess, and of the limitless power they can grant to those who pledge their souls to them. The star spirits or the Imprisoned itself are a suitable patron for a warlock who seeks the power of the Old Ones.   At the bottom of the lake, it's rumored a sea titan sleep, waiting to be awoken.  

Stone of the Protector:

In the heart of the labyrinth is a column of pure diamond in the radiant likeness of an androgynous elf, a depiction of Corellon Larethian. They are a progenitor of the elven race, a deity of fatherhood and motherhood, yet also of neither—a liminal deity that by their very nature both embraces and destroys binaries. Elves that are "born of the Protector" are honored within Astrazalia, and many who seeks that honor wander the Reverie Ward in search of the Stone, longing for physical transformation, social power, or arcane might. Some search for centuries and never find it, but in times of peril Corellon always makes their wisdom known to the pure of heart.
Map of Astrazalia: The City of Starlight Base Map Image
Alternative Name(s)
City of Starlight
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners

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