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The Ruins of Solarium

Thousands of years ago a subrace of elves known as the Solaris, an ancient race of sun elves once roamed the world. Highly advanced were the Solaris people, infinite libraries stacked with knowledge that only few remember. Unlike their sister-race, the Star Elves, the Sun elves valued strength above intellect. Naturally, this fostered a race of people that were adept adventurers and grand explorers that would go into the world, bringing back items and texts that would further their civilizations.   The Solarians were a patriarchal culture, so while the men trained to be great warriors and paladins, righteous champions bringing the holy light to the wild peoples of the world, the women touched by Sol became proficient healers and talented spell casters. Often times Paladins of Sol, weary of adventuring and travel would return home, spending time serving and maintaining the temple of Sol. Yet they still kept up with their training, always prepared for potential threats that may arise.   Due to magical influence, Solarian cites often floated above the ground, giving them a tactical advantage if there was ever a threat, but also a religious reason as it put them closer to Sol. A group of wizards dedicated their lives to maintaining the enchantments that kept the cities in the sky. This also acted as a tactical advantage, making it more difficult for their enemies to lay siege upon their cities.   This manner of architecture did force the Solarians to become more inventive in their means of transportation to allow for seamless travel between the different cities. This caused the creation of their teleportation devices known as Waymirrors, the name deriving from the fact that they appear as mirrors. There was a section of each city dedicated to housing each Waymirror. There was a separate dimension you would enter that had a series of roads that led to different teleportation devices that were synched together known as the Crossroads. The Crossroads were a separate dimension within the Ethereal Plane. It is described as one of the "places between," pockets within the plane with their own rules of reality formed by the ancient elves from the fabric of time and space.   Tragically they fell, their empire turned to rubble and their memories were lost to the ages. The few people who know of the ancient sun elves think the fall of their civilization was caused by infighting and corruption, however, no one is entirely sure. One of the few ruins still intact is Solarium, a ruin hidden deep underground and resides in the Summer Court. This ruin is often visited by adventurers and scholars alike hoping to unlock whatever mysteries lie within the doors yet no one has yet been able to.   Who knows what mysteries lie inside?


Wards keep the entrance of the ruin locked from the majority of people who wish to enter it. The magic is old and ancient, yet not as old as the stone it protected. Yet no one knows who placed these enchantments.


Thousands of years ago a subrace of elves known as the Solaris, an ancient race of sun elves once roamed the world. Highly advanced were the Solaris people, infinite libraries stacked with knowledge that only few remember. While at the height of their civilization, the Sun Elves fell. It isn't known why it happened, but many believe it was a simple case of corruption and infighting that led to their demise.


The Solarian ruins are shrouded in mystery, and Solarium is no different. This often attracts many adventurers and scholars alike from all across the world that hope to unlock the secrets hidden behind the doors. During their attempts to enter the ruin, they will simply make camp in the cavern the entrance lies in. If you were to enter the cavern now, remnants of its previous inhabitants still linger, yet it is eerily quiet.
A Solarian Man
1010 DR
Founding Date
Unknown Date
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank

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