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Principality of Blum

Long ago, an adventurous halfling stumbled across a dwarf poking his head out of a cave, and that began a beautiful friendship - or so the stories say. That was the beginning of what would one day become the Principality of Blum. When the dwarves emerged from the underground of Lasnil around the second century ME, they found a surface that they'd never seen before, along with a population of hill-dwelling halflings. Both sharing some of the same loves and not keen to start conflict, the two peoples found themselves a natural pairing, and over the centuries since, developed a culture uniquely their own with a nation surrounding it.   The Principality of Blum is governed by an equal number of dwarves and halflings without much in the way of formal rules, as everyone's quite happy to keep things mostly the way they are. Political disagreements most often take the form of arguments around a dinner table, with both parties expected to shake hands or share a beer at the end. The mountains and underground provide plenty in the way of mineral resources, and the green land gives plenty of space for farming, so the dwarves and halflings of Blum primarily fixate on improving their artistry and craftsmanship, as well as on providing for and enjoying the simple pleasures of life and community. Occasionally, those with a more adventurous spirit will venture out, but it's more common for them to see the sights of the continent of Lasnil than to venture across the seas. Still, a minimal amount of trade has sprung up between Blum and the Sheoran Continent - mostly Estil, but occasionally The Kingdom of Sheora - in the past century or two, and the relationship has been mutually beneficial - plus provided ways for those with the wanderlust to venture into a new and undiscovered continent.   In general, though, the people of Blum have little interest beyond the personal in the world beyond their borders. Large scale warfare may not be an alien concept historically to dwarves, but it's rarely been a substantial threat to either of the two root cultures that made up Blum. In fact, the cultures of the Sheoran Continent have yet to send their own ships across the water to Blum outside of the occasional lone, adventurous and ambitious merchant, with their own infighting and political tension - as well as having plenty of space on the continent over which to expand - keeping their focus substantially elsewhere.   To the dwarves, halflings, and dwarflings of Blum, community is of the utmost importance: between individuals, between families, within families, between towns, et cetera. There's a strong, some say historically learned expectation that any dispute be resolved amicably, and a classic halfling saying goes "there's never a good reason to involve yourself unwanted in someone else's personal business." Though the text may be clear, that's been a guiding principle of Blumish culture, and the emphasis on providing hospitality and community alongside the lack of worry about others' business has earned many of the northernmost Blumish settlements a pleasant reputation among the nomadic groups of the Lasnil Wildlands.   Blum has its own language, Blumish, a unique fusion of Dwarvish and Halfling, though it's understandable to anyone with knowledge of both languages and people with knowledge of one of the two languages can often get the gist.
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