Nirgaia Organization in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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When Nirgaia refused Anxshar the Dark Twin let lose her scream, heard like a shudder echoing throughout creation, striking the Light Twin so hard it flung her to the very center of the world. From the great abyss that formed from the raw power unleashed by her twin sister Nirgaia lashed back with a nearly equally powerful strike of her own. Stronger and overconfident Anxshar split the bolt of flame into multitudinous pieces. Of course, this is what the Goddess of Birth expected and throughout the void, countless shards of their conflict shone nearly as bright as the stars of Anulil. Such illumination weakened Anxshar to the point where she now knew that the younger twin’s power was a match for her own. Undaunted the Dark Twin created the Moon, raised it over her head, and smashed it down upon the True and Great Lady of Heaven imbedding her into the mantle of the world even as Nirgaia rose from her sister's abyss.
— First battle of Light and Dark.

NIRGAIA (N) Greater Power. Light Twin, Goddess of Nature and Birth, the World.

Nirgaia along with her twin Anxshar are two of the oldest gods of the modern era and referred to together as The Twin Sisters. Nirgaia, the Light Twin is depicted as an identical mirror image of her sister; a tall beautiful thin and fit young woman with milky skin, piercing sky-blue eyes and long flowing golden blonde hair wearing whisp-like airy white dressings. After the passing of the Elder Gods the True and Great Lady of Heaven was the one who separated the inseparable at the beginning of creation. From the universe, Nirgaia manifested the world and through her tears and mixing of the Waters of Life and the Creatrix gives life to all of the natural worlds. As the manifestation of the world itself, the affairs of mortals are of almost no concern to her unless it involves actions attacking her established natural order of things or matters of fertility. To the elves, she is the mother of Aelfeayr, Aulvatar, Dactyl, Dalla Helbing. Kthon and the Igigi. The Druids of Nirgaia are contemplative communicants with nature, using their skills to avoid any change of the natural balance. They are conservative, cautious folk, loath to take incisive actions following their involvement in the Godswar, instead merely restoring the fundamental balance from ancient Paramon. Many are solitary, and the order has little organization. Druids treat each other as superiors based on wisdom and years, not because of formal titles or higher experience levels. The clergy of Nirgaia are well disposed to those of Esalia and the pantheons of Aelfeayr, Aulvatar, Dactyl, Dalla Helbing. Since the end of the Godswar, after feeling they were treated unfairly in the draw for land lots, Kthon and his pantheon of gods have grown at odds with nature and have increasingly become an enemy all of the children of Nirgaia unite against saving the standoffish Igigi. Contrary to popular opinions, Nirgaia's clergy does not fanatically protect individual plants from all harm, but rather ensure nature as a whole flourish and common folk respect it for any beneficial properties it might have. Most clerics carry a supply of seeds with them as they travel, planting them where appropriate to ensure the survival of the species. Although priests tend to live outside the reach of Paramon the clergy and druids are cool and formally polite to each other rather than hostile in their efforts. Of all the pantheons of her children, the clergy has the best relations with the Aelfeayr.
NIRGAIA (N) Greater Power. Light Twin, Goddess of Nature and Birth, the World.
Religious, Pantheon
Parent Organization


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