Kobolds (Kon'Dak)

Kobolds are small, aggressive Pseudodraconids that are known for their arrogance and cunning. Most of what scholars know of Kobolds is from what is derived from information on the Villanian subspecies. While Kobolds consider themselves 'true dragons', they differ in important ways (they do not lay eggs and replace teeth as they age, for example). Importantly, Kobolds are the most widely distributed of Draconids, inhabiting virtually every niche that sentient species settle. This is partially because of their wide tolerance range to humidity and temperature (though not daylight)- but also because of their adaptive nature as a culture. Among sentient species, only humans and goblins share such a widely adaptive nature.

Basic Information


Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids, with scaled skin that can vary wildly in color. Kobolds have long, clawed fingers and a crocodilian like jaw.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like all Pseudodraconids, Kobolds give live birth- almost always in even numbers. Evidence suggests that in the womb, Kobold embryos devour their lesser siblings to both eliminate competition and to gain more resources. As a result, almost all Kobolds have a fraternal twin.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn Kobolds are generally self sufficient within three months of birth and almost always form a very strong bond with their twin. Kobolds mature to adolescence within two years of hatching, at which point they become increasingly aggressive. Scholars estimate the average lifespan of Kobold in the wild to be four to eleven years depending on hierarchy, though individual Kobolds that enter 'tallfolk' society can live to be thirty or older.

Ecology and Habitats

One of the few ubiquitous sentient species, Kobolds are found everywhere adventures have explored Rusk (and Villania, for that matter) from the Goblin's Teeth to the Fenhollow. Indeed, even the other settlements formerly on Rusk lamented the presence of these wily Pseudodraconids.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kobolds live in both single species and mixed species units. When alone, Kobolds naturally group together into underground warrens of anywhere from a dozen to several hundred individuals. As a society, Kobolds value both cleverness and showmanship. Kobolds likewise value strength, cunning, or bravado in leaders, and as such, heads of society tend to be either Kobolds with magical bloodlines, or larger Draconid species like Lizardfolk or even dragons. Indeed, Kobolds have bloodlines that are confirmed to be magically attuned, though magic is far from universal.
Since Kobolds generally coalesce around power, keen observers can predict how much magic a group of Kobolds have access to by who their leaders are. Generally, Kobolds that show magical capabilities will rise in leadership: larger tribes made solely of Kobolds almost always are led by a magic user, and can be expected to have many magic users throughout their ranks. In contrast, Kobold groups under the dominion of Lizardfolk tend to be weaker and mundane, submitting to the direct muscle their larger brethren use to exert control.
Unfortunately, the inherent aggression of Kobolds, their small size, and the general correlation of power to status in the lower levels of draconic society tends to result in most aspirational Kobolds being prone to violence, backstabbing, and demagogy. Indeed, the most infamous Kobolds of Villania were massively successful at subverting draconic society to proclaim themselves messiahs, resulting in raids that at times threatened even major cities. In general, Kobolds live at the bottom of the power structure of Draconic society, which they tend to despise.  In general, Kobolds only accept leadership by 'tallfolk' such as lizardfolk grudgingly, thinking themselves to be the closest relative to living dragons (and therefore divinity) and therefore above being ruled by 'lesser' dragonkin. Unlike Lizardfolk, who's society is largely utilitarian (and sometimes even philosophical) thanks to their position at the top of 'common' Draconids, Kobolds live forever in the churn, trying to achieve the authority of the 'tallfolk'. As a result, mixed species organizations containing Kobolds are often fraught with tension, resentment, and the potential for violence.  
Kobold societies differ in their structure but are often fluid, if for no other reasons than Kobolds live short, often violent lives.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kobolds are one of the few cosmopolitan sentient species, present to some degree in virtually all tropical and temperate habitats yet encountered in Rusk.

Average Intelligence

Kobolds have slightly below average human intelligence, thought they possess excellent spatial reasoning and mechanical skills.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kobolds are accustomed to dark places and as such have darkvision. They also are photosensitive and thus avoid bright light, though unlike goblins they can venture out in sunlight if required.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Kobolds have domesticated both mushrooms and fire beetles, together which maintain the majority of a settled Kobold's diet. Fire beetles are also often used as light sources in Kobold warrens.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Draconic (various dialects)

Common Myths and Legends

Kobolds believe themselves to be descended from Dragons, though their phylogeny suggests they are at best, distant relatives.  

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Kobolds are inherently distrusting of most other species, and are generally quick to exploit those they can exert power over.  They are generally classified as aggressive and dangerous.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconis callidus
4-11 years (30+ years in stable societies)
Average Height
2' to 2'6"
Average Weight
35 to 45 lbs
Kobolds are extremely crafty, and have been known to create elaborate and ingenious constructions with surprisingly few materials, including passageways, alarms, and traps. As they rarely engage in what taller folk would describe as 'fair fights', Kobolds will take every advantage they can get to obtain brutal efficiency, including using traps, making false promises, tricking adventurers, and waiting until they have superior numbers to strike. Kobold warrens are littered with the bones and gold of parties who underestimated them because of their small stature. It behooves an adventurer to be wary of traps of all kinds when they suspect Kobolds nearby.