Abu Khir Organization in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Abu Khir

A country that existed during the time of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar. Unknown whether they still exist.   Information from Councillor Jinra Ingea :  
  • A magocracy who have built a nomadic empire in the deserts across the Founding SeaTheir knowledge of spellcraft is incredible, their average caster is far beyond the scope of the average elven mage
  • Predominantly made up of orcs, goblins, kobolds, firbolgs and goliaths but accept all into their society, so long as they can keep up with the relentless pace of travel across the deserts
  • Trade negotiations to be an exchange of spellcraft and cuithger crafting
  • Only initial tentative steps had been made so far: the incoming delegation was to be the first key talks on the topic


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