Councillor Jinra Ingea Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Councillor Jinra Ingea

An elven diplomat who lived approx 800+ years ago, currently Possessing Artus Brookside. This is Probably Fine.   They seemed to be an average elf of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar and so their knowledge would, we assume, be common knowledge at the time of their death.  

Information learned from questioning them:

  • They do not recognise tieflings and see Vanya as a 'winged demon'.
  • They speak ancient Elvish (and they do not speak Common). Everyone in the Empire spoke Elvish.
  • They were a diplomat who presumably worked in Dendomiel, Palace of Treaties.
  • They were familiar with but not close to Prince Elez Fon'Revaar.
  • They consider Dal a 'child' - frankly true by Elf standards but maybe more so by Empire Elf ones.
  • There used to be Empire patrols in the forest to 'keep the wildlife down'.
  • They were supposed to be rescued after the 'defensive measures' enacted on the Palace.
  • They do not remember what that was protecting them from, and they could not recall what the conflict was about which was happening (failed history check).
  • They were in the palace to negotiate trade deals with Abu Khir.
  • They do not recognise humans. (Or human sized people with small ears in general.)
  • They were not aware that the Empire had been destroyed, and thought the capital was still in existence.
  • They thought they were 'encased in stasis' by the wizards at the time as part of the protective spell.
  • They knew of the Keepers - they would 'ferry' people to the 'next stage' and did not dabble in necromancy. They did not know the names of any Keepers, just knew them as an organisation.
  • They knew that the Prince had lost his lover and never recovered afterwards. He was a 'much different man' before this. He became more of a figurehead than an actual leader.
  • The Empire had a Queen Sindar who had 4 princes/princesses. Elez was the youngest.
  • Aglarond was 'a great shame'. The infection spread faster than the elves anticipated and 'quarantine was the only option'. Their greatest mages could not discover a solution in time.
  • There is 'something important' about the moon(s) but they couldn't quite put their finger on it (history check fail).
  • Aglarond being sealed happened several hundred before they died.
  • The dwarves were 'not best pleased' about the fallout from Aglarond and negotiations fell apart. It was a blow to lose that, it took several centuries to build that relationship.
  • The Tree of Tales was more of a symbolic tree - for the signing of treaties and their veracity. It did have the runic script on it back when they were alive, but they did not understand it.
  • They did not recognise the feeling of the Loss but seemed to experience it, even as a ghost possessing a human body.
  • They knew harengon, but did not know bulliwugs.
  • Narguls/Noggles/Nargles lived in the forest several centuries before the elves moved here. They were destroyed in a strange disaster of some kind. They did not know much else past that.
  • The elves moved to The Forest of Davokar from The Dreabig.
  Meta knowledge - at this last question about where elves came from, Jinra looked for something that 'was not there' inside themselves/their mind, and was shocked to find nothing. This ended the active possession.


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