Aisling of Ravanags Folk Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Aisling of Ravanags Folk

A dwarf with no beard burnt off in the 3 days she was missing in her first exploration of The Glittering Chambers. She carries a large Axe named Midresthor's Fang which gives off a heat shimmer with a large Ruby in its hilt. There are more spaces on the Axe for other gems; this will be especially noticeable to Bref and Goldriver.   She dresses in a deep red (crimson possibly) with a weird hat that has blue lace off the side.   She has an interest in architecture and rare stones.   She gained her sorcerous powers recently and is just starting to understand them, after falling down a hole and being gifted them by Midresthor when she picked up his axe and was charged with 'bringing forth Midresthors light and burning away the darkness'.   Party Role Blaster/Face  

Aislings likes

  • Rare Stones
  • Ancient Architecture
  • Old Stonework
  • She has an interest in Dragons

Aislings Dislikes

  • Lady Friber Noblemane
  • Being compared to an elf due to her magical inclinations


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