Midresthor Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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A probably very ancient golden dragon who has chosen Aisling of Ravanags Folk as his champion when she picked up their axe, Midresthor's Fang.   He has given her the quest to 'bring forth Midresthors light and burn away the darkness' - meaning Corruption   He has offspring, which includes the (curently living) red dragon in Denroum Mines and the bronze dragon (spirit, dead) Reb has summoned as a legal advisor. See Dragons.   Midresthor is very much dead but he can communicate to Aisling even when she is unconscious and dying and can be 'summoned' by her in a spirit form. He was killed accidentally by Tsien Chiang when she tried to drug him to steal a dragons scale.   Previously a guardian/ally of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar    Very into fire.


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