Anglwyrd Crossing Settlement in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Anglwyrd Crossing

A cute little 200 175ish person settlement we're helping to found at the edge of The Forest of Davokar  

Notable Persons

Player characters

  • Goldriver
  • Oksana Bosko (Deceased)
  • Moonlight Through Rain
  • Reika Günay (Deceased)
  • Rah Tah Tum
  • Alarë Awarthiel
  • Sigrid Arnulf
  • Viserys Rohan
  • Dalitar Amakiir
  • Bref of Urí's folk


  • Asha Warren
  • Bentin Poirier
  • Candace Crank
  • Efrain Pokornoy
  • Gummo Croak
  • Kalli Nilsen Nilsen
  • Lorritt Pokornoy
  • Madeline (sp.) (with two n’s and a y but not where you think) Elaga
  • Quaf Deekek
  • Tham Eaglespeaker Elaga

The Council

  • Agriculture: Bentin Porieir
  • Infrastructure: Efrain Pokornoy
  • Defense: Lorrit Pokornoy
  • Exploration: Quaff Deekek
  • Trade + Crafts: Kallii
  • Science: Rain (For Now)
  • Health: Alare (For Now)
  • Faith + Culture: Goldriver
  • Justice: Viserys


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