Sigrid Arnulf Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Sigrid Arnulf

Corporal of the Queen's Army Sigrid Arnulf (a.k.a. Daughter)

Sigrid was born in Fetterfeld not too far from Ypakar. She's been told her mother died in childbirth, and though her fathers were among the eldest of the village and her siblings were practically grown up, they still took her in. She was part of a big family, the fifth of five siblings, and there was a 13-year age gap between herself and the next oldest, Marta, a budding spellcaster. Ina, the eldest, specialised in medicine. Axel trained for the Queen's Army. Torleif worked the neighbouring farms.   At 10, Sigrid was the only survivor of Fetterfeld, an abomination attack on a hamlet near Ypakar on 23rd Enlightening 378. She lost her family and life. She was then raised, educated and trained by Militant Branch of the Church of the Queen of Light in Ypakar, though never stopped trying to find out what happened to Fetterfeld.   While she has been restless to confirm that her family awaits her in a peaceful afterlife and prevent history repeating itself with the fall of Anglwyrd Crossing, she is actively trying to keep from turning insane, like Aboleth/Father's previous conduit who went insane, as per the Journal of Father's previous conduit.   After several Father X Sigrid conversations, Sigrid made a deal with Aboleth/Father on True Night. This deal was to help her protect life in return for unplugging The Waters/ The Stem by removing The Plug, after he was able to act through her and kill eight civilians and subdue her magic and movement. Since then, she has gained Warlock abilities, while also permanently appearing as though she's just emerged from a river. She wet, yo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically fit, mentally temperamental, a dark spot in her Shadow.

Body Features

Sigrid is lean and muscular with tattoos on left arm and shoulder, and wolf sigil branded into her right palm.

Facial Features

Sigrid has facial henna tattoos and a scar on her right cheek from when two summoned rocks smashed her skull in and Goldriver insta-healed her cheekbone back into place. Her right eye is blue-grey, while her left turned gold after Viserys Rohan removed her symptoms of corruption.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a Dragonscale breastplate made from a green dragon by Reika Günay, Oksana Bosko, and Bref of Uri's folk. Leathers with dragon bones make up the rest of her armour, while her cloak allows her to breathe underwater. She always wears a crudely carved wooden bracelet representing woven eagles, wolves, and natural symbols.   She carries a shield decorated with eagle and wolf depictions, a silvered greatsword, and her brother Axel's longsword, which has been made magical by Father. She is proficient in Cartographer's and Carpenter's tools.

Mental characteristics


Home schooled until 10, then attended St Craig's state school in Ypakar.


Sigrid trained at Weapon of Saint's Garrison, specialising in the military branch of The Church. At 20, she joined the city guards, as encouraged, and worked for three years under the Captain of the city guard, Zukurd Galgrash.   At 21, Sigrid joined her first True Night Expedition, where she was allocated to Viserys Rohan's group. She then joined every expedition she could.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She jumped onto a back of a dragon and blew it up with its own gas.

Failures & Embarrassments

  1. Accidentally killed 8 NPCs on Enlightening True Night 392 in front of a LOT of people, traumatising Dalitar Amakiir in the process. 
  2. Told Kalli Nilsen to jump from a roof because we'd catch her without verifying that we could. 
  3. Hunted down "The Keeper" the because of an incorrect theory and he turned out to be just some guy. 
  4. Speaking badly about Agata Bosko and summoning her into the conversation. 
  5. Scaring Anglwyrd Crossing civilians off by introducing them to King Gummo, Kingslayer
  6. Getting bowled into unconsciousness by a rock. 
  7. Being blind, ineffective or unconscious in combats.
  8. Believing she was in Davokar for a Reason and then learning Viserys was trialling her for a job.
  9. Craving rotten flesh several times. 
  10. Realising that basing her whole moral compass on the Truth isn't sustainable so changing that to Trust and getting absolutely gut-punched by everyone she knew showing her they couldn't be trusted. 
  11. Telling Dalitar Amakiir, Goldriver and Viserys Rohan she'd try not to talk to Father and then reaching out on True Night, potentially wasting Viserys's miracle.
  12. Agreeing to Father's deal before reading the Journal of Father's previous conduit.
  Yeah, there's been a lot.

Mental Trauma

Sigrid was the lone survivor of the Fall of Fetterfeld when she was 10, having gone to wash clothes in the river just out of town. When she returned, the town was destroyed and burning. She was able to find Ulfric Eriksen, who died trying to tell Sigrid something about "your sister".   She spent the aftermath alone, which later manifested into a fear of being alone -- literally out of eyesight/ earshot. Eventually Father Canonus and Goldriver arrived with some guards. Father Canonus said she was lucky to sustain no injuries other than by picking up her brother's red-hot sword.   This launched Sigrid into making it her purpose to find out what happened that day. She recognises that she told herself it was so I could stop Fetterfeld happening again, but actually that focus just got her though the days, family by her side. This survivor's guilt grew into feeling like her life had never been her own, but a borrowed amount of time to fulfil her duties. In later life, it has also meant she values her life very little, and is quick to put herself in danger to save others after being unable to save her family.   Since arriving at Davokar and talking with Aboleth/Father, she believes that the dead are not at peace, which has fuelled her drive to retroactively save her family. She also heard voices reminiscent of her father, Arnuld, telling her to take the washing to the river. She was not able to recognise the voices, only the words, which adds to the theory she's trying not to obsess about.   But she did obsess! And this inability to resist ultimately led to endangering the party with "The Keeper", killing NPCs on True Night, and becoming bound to a Nihileth. So add that to the guilt and trauma bonfire.   After being knocked unconscious by The Keeper, Sigrid lost the ability to feel positive emotions. This removed her conviction and hope, which made her reflect the fuck out of her patterns. Being unable to feel light breaking through darkness, comfort from interacting with people within the party she cares about, or love from seeing her old bedroom conjured in Bardh hit her the most during this time. And when Viserys Rohan later performed a miracle to remove this symptom among others, she took the second chance to feel goodness to heart.

Intellectual Characteristics

She can somehow sense vulnerabilities in creatures as well as loose locations of abominations, undead, fey, draconic and infernal creatures, among other beings. Her magic is an extension of this sense, seemingly altering spaces to be healing, flammable, silent, truthful, protective, etc.

Morality & Philosophy

She used to be big on the Truth, and then it was Trust, and now she's just fucking going along with it.   Without appreciation and protection, life will fall to chaos and despair. So appreciating and protecting life is the most important thing (right now anyway, fucking hell).   She's always wanted to know more about the monsters she was trained to kill, not understanding why there wasn't research being done, just slaughter. She believes monsters aren't so absolute and that even abominations aren't somehow beyond redemption.

Personality Characteristics


  • to unplug the waters
  • to discover what happened to Fetterfeld
  • to protect and embrace life
  • to prevent Fetterfeld happening to Anglwyrd Crossing
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • determined
  • selfless
  • insightful
  • stronk
  • can build houses and furniture
  • connected to environment
  • equally tries to connect with people and approach difficult situations with understanding (success of this is varied, but at least she tries)
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • blinkered and emotional when reaching for goals
  • values her life very little
  • quick to anger or take things personally
  • quick to obsess over ideas
  • has little tact in social situations
  • wants to believe so much in there being a reason that she's here, that her family died, and that she can save them in death that she'll make unwise choices
  • Social

    Contacts & Relations

    Made a deal with Aboleth/Father
    "If you help me protect life, I'll unplug your waters."

    Religious Views

    Having been raised as both a follower of the The Old Ways and The Order of the Queen of Light, Sigrid's faith lies in Life itself, merging the Queen of Lights teachings and Old Ways senses.    As far as we're aware, she is the only person to respect Aboleth/Father as a deity, whose domain she believes is The Waters/ The Stem between life and death.

    Social Aptitude

    She is driven, supportive, blunt, tactless, honest, intense, with increasingly frequent bouts of lightheartedness. Generally, she makes a harsh first impression and doesn't give off much warmth to people she isn't close to (not for lack of wanting).


    She speaks with a Nordic accent and takes great liberties in paraphrasing conversations and events.    During her Father X Sigrid conversations, Sigrid typically speaks Deep Speech out loud and hears him back in her head. Only once was she able to communicate telepathically.
    Lawful Neutral
    Current Status
    brb, unplugging the waters
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Date of Birth
    18th Slaying, 368
    Parents (Adopting)
    Current Residence
    Anglwyrd Crossing
    Right eye is blue-grey, left one is gold
    Orange and braided with seaweed
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale skin
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "If I'm going to be a puppet, let's make it a show."
    Creature of the Deep/ Old Ways/ Queen of Light
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Common, Undercommon, Orcish, Infernal, Deep Speech (origin unknown), and Ancient Elvish (origin unknown)


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