Corruption Event Myth in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Corruption Event

"Corruption affects every living being every moment of their lives, and yet we still know so little about it. Sources point to there being more data out in The Forest of Davokar, a location that has proven troublesome to study due to its dangers, both natural and aberrant.   The recent expedition planned by the Marchessa de la Montagne is our greatest opportunity to explore its mysteries in relative safety in known history. This is an unrivaled chance to delve deep into Corruption and Shadow research, and maybe even to gain insight into the cause of this phenomena.   Please see enclosed my proposal for backing to go on this expedition. I await your favourable reply."
— Excerpts from Dalitar Amakiir's application for funding.
  It is generally a mystery as to what caused Corruption, but the Elven propaganda in Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers did not mention it, and neither did the dwarves down there know about it, so it certainly seems to be 'new'.   This article is a stub, explore the Forest more to expand on it.
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