Dalitar Amakiir Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Dalitar Amakiir (Dal-i-tar Ah-mah-keer)

Doctor Dalitar Amakiir (a.k.a. Dal)

Dalitar Amakiir was born and grew up in the city of Ypakar, spending most of his life in a modest house owned by his parents Ilyana and Gaelin Amakiir, and then some of his adulthood at The Conservatory where he has studied to a postgraduate level.   He came to The Forest of Davokar with the goal of studying the root of Corruption with the aim of identifying it. The next logical step would be researching a solution, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.   Just some guy.  


Dalitar's magic is nearly always a bright, sky blue, often featuring complex magical circles and text in elven or runic script. He casts spells with a beat to them like a musical tempo, most obviously when casting ritual spells, and enjoys tweaking spells picked up from other sources to suit his own style. Having studied a lot of magic, he has a lot of insight into the structure of a spell, most recently helpful in noting the odd composition of Blood Bonds. His rigorous training in casting at the Conservatory also helped him feel his way through the basics of activating a Portal Network, and to pull apart Blood Bonds into its component parts.  

Research list




(ie, information collected but not actively worked on)  


Actually an expert in:
  • Shadows, the link between a shadow and a person and the Shadowdance
  • Corruption (as far as his research has taken him)
  • Running really fast towards class or away from gribblies
Has been accused of being an expert in:
  • Werewolves
  • Uses for mystery Orbs
  • Anything magic adjacent

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A string bean of a wizard, Dalitar is a skinny but wiry build, mostly down to his fencing training.

Facial Features

  • Them elven cheekbones
  • A small ring of colour around his pupils that seems to reflect his Eladrin season. His default is pale blue (Winter).

Identifying Characteristics

  • Lightning burn-like scar down left forearm (counterspell backlash caused by going over his Corruption threshold while trying to stop "The Keeper" from attempting to murder him.
  • Nearly always seen with a small pair of pince nez golden rimmed glasses and a journal in hand.
  • Pointy.

Physical quirks

Now often seen drumming his fingers against any available surface after a hag psychic damaged him into unconsciousness.

Special abilities

  • Shadowdancing
  • Spellcasting
  • Shadowsight
  • A strong link to his own Shadow, somewhat improved during his research, using cutting edge methods.

Apparel & Accessories

  • A spellbook with a very nice, fairly new looking binding.
  • An incredibly battered journal full of notes, pages pasted in and bookmarks sticking out of it.
  • Light leather armour, nicely fitted and made.
  • Thick winter clothing with a high fur collared cape that allows him flexibility of movement.

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A born scholar, Dalitar has been asking 'why' ever since he could talk.   He attended The Conservatory and did his thesis on Shadow theory. He is one of the only living members of his extended family to pursue an academic career, as the rest of them tend towards administration and crafts.   Both of his parents are, as far as he knows, alive, which is a rarity within the group.


Ace with a flowchart.


The Conservatory - equivalent of a phD in Arcane Science, focus on Shadow and Corruption research.


Professional Academic

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Thesis on Shadow/Person link
  • Created Thorn, the Twisting Shadow as a side project.
  • 'Invented' Shadowdancing as a part of this research.
  • Invented the spell Shadowsight for personal use.
  • Supporting work on a variety of projects at The Conservatory including studies of abberations, the structure of magical spells, Shadow research and other unrelated projects as a notetaker/assistant to continue his academic funding.
  • Worked out Portal Network technology activation method out of necessity - passed information on to Moonlight Through Rain and Goldriver, as it was 'more their area'.
  • Actually made Goldriver angry.
  • Made a breakthrough during a drunk attempt to shoot Corruption into the Moons and is currently working on a level 6 spell to actually achieve that.
  • Pissing off several hags by suspending their ritual attempt via Banishment of Qwyn.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Being knocked out of Haste on True Night
  • Falling 500 parsecs down a Hole in the middle of The Forest of Davokar (Thank the Queen for Feather Fall - D.A.)
  • Being caught in a stupid snare trap and almost eaten by a giant spider named Sandra.
  • Experiencing possession shortly afterwards and having to be exorcised.
  • Getting drunk off one glass of Dwarven whisky from Bref.
  • bBeing sad enough to actually tell the party about The Loss after the increased grief effect of Dendomiel, Palace of Treaties 

Mental Trauma

  • Witnessing Sigrid Arnulf accidentally murdering 8 people via Father during True Night and being unable to help.
  • This was also his first experience of a real, dangerous fight and a True Night.
  • Has mentioned in passing that he feels The Loss very keenly.
  • Using himself as bait for a spider monster and burning both of them to death to get a chance at saving his friends.
  • Pissing off several hags by suspending their ritual attempt via Banishment of Qwyn and almost dying several times while they meted out punishment

Intellectual Characteristics

He's a wizard, Jeff, they're all fucked in the head.
— Ollie
  Smort, but not always savvy, Dal believes he can unpick any mystery as long as he has the time and the data.

Morality & Philosophy

Dalitar will always put the facts before his feelings, but this doesn't mean he doesn't care for people. He just won't allow his emotions to cloud his judgement, and will always specify the exact facts when discussing anything, making sure it is clear where there is not enough data to draw a conclusion. Outside of this however, he is a kind and thoughtful person, as long as he remembers you are there and isn't distracted.

Personality Characteristics


Research, obviously.
Dal, when asked why the fuck he was in the death forest, and each time he was asked after that.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Sometimes forgets to eat when hyperfixating.
  • Hyperfixates on research to forget Bad Things which is very healthy.
  • Can forget things that others might consider important, when faced with Interesting Things to study, like 3 missing people.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Bart
  • Libraries
  • Magic
  • Cake
  • Tea & Coffee
  • Learning EVERYTHING
  • Music
  • Being hit
  • Being denied access to Interesting Things to research
  • Library fines
  • People assuming he's going to do Evil things with research. Please. Have you even seen what the rest of the party have been up to?

Personality Quirks

  • Tends to cast Encode Thoughts to record data to then transfer to written notes later, as he thinks a lot faster than he writes.
  • Speaks very fast and gets faster and faster when excitedly explaining anything


Religious Views

Raised in Ypakar, Dal's family worship the Queen of Light, especially his mother. For him, she's more a fact of life than an issue of faith.

Social Aptitude

Variable. Dalitar can be cautious around very new or different people as he tries to gauge just what their interests/motivations/personalities are, but as soon as anyone asks him about anything he can be an authority on, its hard to stop him talking.


  • Excited hand gesturing when he's explaining something he's passionate about.
  • Almost subconscious teleporting during downtime using Fey Step, if he's somewhere he's comfortable.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Bart, the best bat familiar
  • Flicker, the family blink dog


Dal has an accent that would be the equivalent of received pronunciation in Ypakar.




Towards Dalitar Amakiir


Dalitar Amakiir


Towards Bartholomew


Curious Neutral/Good
Current Status
Doing His Best
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
10th of Enlightening 355
Year of Birth
355 37 Years old
Current Residence
Vivid blue
SIlvery grey, swoopy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Known Languages

    Thorn, the Twisting Shadow


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