Giants Species in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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— Goldriver
  • A fictional, mythological race who exist in childrens stories in The Vale
  • A race of peoples in The Forest of Davokar who vibe around the area in flying magical towers powered by clouds.
Or both!    
Upon our first expedition into the great lake next to Bardh we discovered a great building clearly meant to be used for events, perhaps diplomatic or social ones, with a people who were at least 5 times taller than an average Elf. Based on some of the decor we found in there, we can only assume that these people still exist somewhere in or around Davokar, because one of the murals showed a tower floating on clouds exactly like the one we witnessed flying over the lake before.   I wonder if they are still game for a talk... perhaps they could shed some light on the history of this place.
— Dal's journal


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