The Vale Geographic Location in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Vale

"The Vale" is the area of land around Ypakar, protected by the power of the Queen of Light. While Abominations can be created here and enter this area, these incursions are generally limited to True Nights.  

Known Places

  • Ypakar
  • Fetterfeld (Now known as Fallowfeld) - Hometown of Sigrid
  • Hoffsland - Hometown of Alare/Uvanima
  • Storslett - Hometown of Reika
  • Thresh's Plantation - 'Hometown' of Rah Tah Tum
  • Valcea - Hometown of Oksana

Known Persons


Player characters



  • Bonacieux (Forest God?)
  • Sennen Storshoden (Twat)
  • Reginald Thresh (Colossal Twat)
  • Alare's mother (deceased - illness) and father (deceased - abomination)
  • Reika's parents (unnamed - status/whereabouts unknown)
  • Reika's lycanthropy pack (exiled from Storslett - status/whereabouts unknown)
  • Sigrid's family (Fathers and siblings - all deceased)
  • Oksana's father (deceased - eviscerated) and grandmother (deceased - illness)
  • Oksana's witch coven


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