Library of Professor Moreau Building / Landmark in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Library of Professor Moreau

A library held in a demiplane in the office of Professor Moreau (and created by him as an expert in folding reality), located in Gil'lornomin, Progress Engine. The library is powered by a number of arcane batteries and now the head of Abaddon has been removed it is unclear how much power is left.   A collection of physical books held as more of a labour of love than a publicly useful library, as at the time of its creation physical books were a quirky antique, apparently. Just store all your knowledge in the Dreaming, what could go wrong?   The space has many thousands of floors of books, and importantly one must remain quiet in the library, lest the librarians enforce silence.   Useful to know - even in a demiplane, Corruption still affects spellcasting, even if you are not native to this plane.


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