Shadows and Corruption Primer Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Shadows and Corruption Primer

This Document is property of Ypakar Conservatory. It is Classified as OFFICIAL, and as such may be removed from Conservatory Grounds for reference purposes.


All known Sapient Creatures possess a psychic imprint upon the world, often tied closely to their identity. It is often a reflection of who they see themselves as, an echo of who they are or wish to be. Shadows, despite their namesake, are not visible under normal circumstances. Those who possess the ability to perceive the Shadows of others usually describe them as a dark outline of the subject in question, a silhouette, hence the colloquial term. There is a strong link between the Corruption of a shadow and their Permanent Corruption. A scar or hole upon a subject's Shadow heavily indicates that the corruption upon them has become permanent. See Permanent Corruption below.  


Research into Shadows is permitted, but heavily regulated after █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ In Pencil - too much detail left in this document led to another Scholar recreating the first experiment, leading to another incident. Please take this as an indication of the severity of risk in this area. A.B - 367 PD.   Please contact one of the members of the Shadow Research Department (SRD) below

Faculty of the Shadow Research Department

  • Professor Alistair Stormrider (deceased)
  • Dr Isabella Nightshade (deceased)
  • Dr Eldric Ironwood (deceased)
  • Professor Seraphina Ravenshadow (deceased)
  • Researcher Magnus Frostborne (deceased)
  • Undergraduate Genevieve Silvermoon (deceased)
  • Professor Roland Fireheart (deceased)
  • Professor Celeste Whitewind (deceased)
  • Professor Oberon Blackthorn (deceased)
  • Dr Dalitar Amakiir
  • Lyra Emberfall (deceased)


  Creatures or entities that perform evil acts, or the casting of spells, drains the creature in a metaphysical way. This effect has been called 'Corruption' by the people of The Vale.   There are two known 'severities' of Corruption. Temporary, and Permanent.

Temporary Corruption

Temporary Corruption is a known effect of spellcasting, though is also known to be caused by the attacks of, or merely close proximity to, an Abomination.   Temporary Corruption lasts only a short while, dissipating over a few days. However, the amount of corruption a person can 'hold' at any one time varies from person to person. When a person exceeds this metaphorical limit, commonly referred to as their "Corruption Threshold", deleterious effects can begin to occur. Note that many of these symptoms can be confused for the effects of a infection, but it is official Conservatory Advice that Scholars not cast spells while ill either, so reduce your workload if you detect any of these symptoms.
  • Dizziness, Nausea
  • Poor temperature control, uncontrollable sweating, strange smells
  • Uncharacteristic physical or vocal ticks
  • Body parts becoming black or green
  • Loss of smell, taste, or a sudden desire to eat things that are not (or no longer) viable food
  • Significant or sudden changes in mood
These are also usually temporary, often fixed by a few days of bedrest or light activity. Researchers are once again HEAVILY advised to keep note and revisit the attached symptoms of temporary corruption, lest they push too hard. This is because one possible outcome of overreaching one's capabilities is Permanent Corruption.

Permanent Corruption

Permanent Corruption is a Scar upon a person's Shadow. There is currently no treatment for this effect. Researchers are strongly advised to seek a member of staff with the capability of Shadowsight if they begin experiencing any of the following symptoms:
  • Uncharacteristic Anger or Frustration
  • Uncharacteristic Carnal desires (lust, avarice, murderous intent)
  • Rapid Mood Swings
  • Amnesia, particularly on or around True Nights. written in pencil: PS. Or Full Moons. See A.B. if you are experiencing this particular symptom
  • Aversion to sun or moonlight
  • Paranoia, Dread
  • Lesions, Growths
  • Uncharacteristic Horn Growth (For Tieflings, this can manifest as thicker, darker, sharper, more pronounced, faster growing, or a greater number of horns than usual. For non-Tieflings, uncharacteristic horn growth would, of course, be any horns at all)
  • Sharpening or lengthening of teeth, beaks, fingernails, talons or claws (where applicable)
  • (sudden) Posture changes
This Primer has been condensed for quick reference by Professor Artus Brookside on behalf of Ypakar Conservatory, 7th Ruling, 363. It's contents is a summary of the known facts and theories around Corruption/Shadows. Speculation has been kept to a minimum.   A.B.
Caution! This information is biased, incomplete, and does not take into account the research of █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Ignore previous note. Researcher was directing readers to their own research in order to drum up funding. The note about it being incomplete is true, however. The above is based on empirical findings, and the underlying Method of Action for corruption is still mostly unknown.   A.B.   Redaction Notice: Section of Document regarding the work of Professor Bosko has been removed on request of Professor Bosko.   A.B


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