Oksana's VIsions - Session 101 Report in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Oksana's VIsions - Session 101

General Summary

Future: will the creature that needs to die to break Artus' curse follow him to this forest?

  DM: You close your eyes and breathe. And see Artus spinning below you as if on a stage with no lights. From him, emerges a thin, twisted strand of moonlight, reaching away.   DM: You get the sense that you could focus on Artus or follow the strand. [Oksana follows the strand] You move away from him and the moonlight takes you into a vast expanse. You get the sense that you are alone here. Many, many miles exist between you and the next living person. The strand continues on so distant from its source in Artus, it leads towards a cave, dark shadows devour the light. You feel afraid.   Oksana: seems like a reasonable thing to feel in the dark. I activate my Lunar form. Glow.   DM: A little glow pushes out from me but does not seem to deeply penetrate the darkness. Only a few steps in front of you are illuminated. You step inside and with a lurch of your stomach, an enormous pit deep below, two eyes slitted like a cats' blink up at you, golden orb, before they vanish into the darkness.   Oksana: Do I recognize those eyes at all?   DM: No.   Oksana: So just a pit.   DM: A pit.   Oksana: Try and climb down.   DM: Well, you seem to be hovering above it, so physicality is not the limitation.   Oksana: Down I go.   DM: At the bottom of the pit. There is no sign of a creature, but runes that you cannot read are scrawled across the walls and floor in what you know to be blood. You breathe and awaken.   Oksana: Okay, right. I grab my journal and just immediately try to record everything that I saw. Including the runes.   DM: Not possible. They're not even a script that you recognize.   Oksana: Okay. All right. Back into it. The past please.  

Past: did the Aboleth participate in stopping the ships?

    DM: You ask a question about the Aboleth. In front of you, you see, if not familiar, then familiar in form. It may not be the same, but a large red scaled winged creature laughing, it seems to accede to some unseen request. And this space, featureless, suddenly cracks and water begins pouring in. As all around you, water rises and bubbles of air erupt from your mouth - though you feel no panic. You see a dark silhouette, the devilish form now gone.   Tentacled, many eyed. It regards you. It does not swim closer. Above you, you see the surface, dim light, high above.   Oksana: I go towards the Aboleth.   DM: You push towards and feel your limbs growing heavy. There's a cracking noise. And in front of you is though a pane of glass keeping back the water, but splintering lies between you and the creature, who simply regards you still in shadow, unable to make out its form   Another crack, another spiderweb.   Oksana: I push my face up against the glass. Try and get better look.   DM: You push your face closer. You see the Aboleth coming closer to the other side of the glass? It's thick. You realize now that this pane of glass that you had thought so thin and fragile, it's several feet thick as the warped reflection of your own face is moved out of the way, you see curiosity and hunger in the dark eyes, before with an explosion the glass shatters and you're pushed out of your vision.   Oksana: Interesting. Same thing. I make the notes, look a little unnerved.  

Present: What does the Aboleth want from unplugging the ocean?

    DM: You see an ocean beneath you, dozens of beautiful golden ships, most ethereal, made of fog or light, sailing. And though there's no directionality to this place beyond the direction that all of those ships are sailing, you know that they go away.   DM: You see a waterfall appear, froth spraying up far ahead of the ships You see a cloud rising, evaporating water from this ocean, creating it high above even you. You look up, the sky is a thick sheet of clouds and when you look back at the ships below, they are scattered, the directions no longer unified. Around three of them, thick tentacles reach, pull them under the surface.   Oksana: Can I go underwater? To where they go?   DM: You go underwater and it is a bright place. Light flickers oddly. You do not see the ships. Instead you see bones. Hundreds, thousands of bones scattered underneath the water. Each has a tiny string attached, making it seem to almost dance in the current. Your eyes look upwards again. You see at the end of every string a tentacle.   DM: You awaken.
Report Date
30 Jan 2024


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