Aboleth/Father Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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"After experiencing the Aboleth's power during True Night it is safe to say that we should classify it as on the same power level as the Queen of Light - a disturbing thought but frankly the only equivalent I can think of, and I hope that her majesty doesn't take offense at the comparison. Both entities can reach mortals across great distances if they need to and act through them, which, as a user of the arcane myself, I believe speaks of a great and terrible power.   Really, we're lucky the Queen decided she liked mortals, on reflection."   -Notes from Dalitar's journal     A definitely benevolent god of the dead, who only wishes good things for Sigrid.   In the library in Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers Alare found mention of a being similar to this in a book on theories about the Afterlife. Everything was conjecture ("if there's somewhere they can go why can other things not come here?") apart from one "clear known thing": what happens when people die is that a Guardian of the Dead will protect them. And the name given to that guardian is not Aboleth, it is Nihileth.   Sigrid's secret: "Your father is a delusional interloper who has taken a role upon himself within this world that does not belong to him. His attempts to farm the souls of the dead for devotion have led to the deaths of countless "conduits" and your head wound could have been much worse. He chose to lobotomise you instead of killing you, this time."  

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