Prince Elez Pon'Revaar Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Prince Elez Pon'Revaar

A Prince of the The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar. Elez had a relationship with a dwarf named Renear who was a talented craftswoman but lost his lover to the mushroom spore plague that afflicted Aglarond and was lost to grief. He was the youngest and only son of the Queen Sindar. It is unclear if their relationship was unusual by the standards of the Empire.    
Our expeditionary groups first encountered mention of Elez from his letter below, but his ghost (?) was later found in Dendomiel, Palace of Treaties once the palace had been uncovered, where a powerful attack (?) on the building from an unknown source seemed to have triggered a protective response from the powerful mages tasked to guard it, covering the entire building in Adamantine. (NB that this kind of magic is quite extraordinary and well beyond anything we can currently achieve, with perhaps the exception of the most talented mages alive.)   He and his retainers, and all the other people inside the building were sealed inside. It is unclear whether he died in the attack or from being sealed inside. One could theorise that it was instant as many of the ghosts in the building seemed to be stuck recreating their day to day activities.   We also learned from the other elven ghosts that the Prince had been mourning his lover for 300 years at the time they believed themselves to be in - so from this we could postulate that the attack on the Palace happened 300 years after the sealing of Aglarond, placing it at approximately 800 years ago. (NB that simply being alive for more than 300 years is also unheard of in our current time, and this adds further proof to the data collected that points to the Elves of Coraar'ath Revaar being very different to myself in terms of expected life span - and not just because the world now is covered in killer monsters.)
— Notes from Dalitars journal


Mother - Queen Sindar Sisters - Farin, Princess Eleril Pon'Revaar , Donimol  

Letter from Prince Elez to Renear

Found in Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers by Rah Tah Tum alongside the bow mentioned, which he has claimed and named Beau.  
My darling Renear,   My darling, it pains me that I cannot yet be with you once again, work comes before my love, though that plagues me. I hope your craft continues well, as always. The mages who returned recently spoke so highly of you. You have indeed impressed even the doughtiest Smiths of Gil'lornomin.   My love on this day of celebration, the founding of your wonderful Stone City accept this gift. It is grown from a tree that I sang myself. I wish that you do with it what you will be that sell it, it should a fair price; or treasure it. I dare not request that one day you would perhaps even learn to wield it.   My love, my heart is with you always though I cannot be. I love you but will do forevermore.   My dearest love yours forever.   Prince Elez Pon'Revaar
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Circumstances of Death
Attack on Dendomiel?


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