Princess Eleril Pon'Revaar Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Princess Eleril Pon'Revaar

High Sorceress of the Empire. Daughter of Queen Sindar.   Discovered as a mummy lord(?) guarding her 'creation' at the Ruins at Sloga Malt.  
From the inscriptions at Sloga Malt and the words spoken by the undead Princess herself, we can extrapolate quite confidently that she cast the spell that became The Loss.   This appears to have been after the loss of Elez's lover, and the spell was cast approx 942 years ago, but it is as yet unclear if this is pre or post-fiend war or Corruption. I'd guess post, as the spell appears to be a drastic measure to prevent dire consequences, but I can hardly cite a feeling as evidence.
— Notes from Dalitars journal
Family:   Note from Dal - Who buried her???


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