Reginald Thresh Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Reginald Thresh

Mr Reginald Thresh

From Rah Tah Tum:   A tabaxi plantation owner in the far west. According to Rah Tah Tum Thresh is a slave owner with a network of slavers. He is very rich (funded some of Agata Bosko's work)   He is cruel and very possessive having chased Rah Tah Tum to captain Teach's Outpost dozens of miles away.   When faced with a foe who wouldn't be bullied, threatened or back down Thresh retreats (as explained when Captain Teach stood up to him when Thresh demanded the return of Rah Tah Tum)   From Victor, a deceased member of a previous expedition:   Reginald Thresh travelled with Jacquin Verlis and Victor Thorier to "a city at the mouth of the river at the biggest lake we ever saw", where they were chased away from. Victor knew that Reginald funded their expedition because he wanted information though Victor never learned what. Reginald was apparently keen on treasures and making more money. His family were influential in Ypakar.   It has since been discovered that the real Thresh died a long time ago, and he has been replaced by a fiend by the name of Abdiel, The Slave and the Slaver, Lord of the Hells.  

Notable slaves



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