Agata Bosko Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Agata Bosko

(This article may show systemic bias. In particular, there may be a strong bias due to certain party members experiences with the subject at The Conservatory. It may require cleanup to conform to a higher standard of quality, and to make it neutral in tone. - D.A)   Agata Bosko is the mother of Oksana Bosko .   She was a professor at The Conservatory and was at least familiar with Dawn's First Carriage, Rain 's Mother. She taught biology. Notably her Shadow is famously free of Corruption, an remarkable achievement for a spellcaster.   In more recent years, in roughly 390, she led an expedition to Davokar. To our knowledge, she is currently the only survivor, as we are not certain whether or not Sennen Storshoden was part of that expedition or made his own way here.   She is an incredibly powerful spellcaster, and incredibly dismissive of people who failed to submit their Botany thesis ONE TIME.   She taught to Rain and Oksana the 'Blood Bonds' spell. Afterwards, when considering her wording (read: an insight check) it seems she was only providing us with a version of the spell that we were capable of casting. (read: Patronised)   Her relationship with Oksana is complicated, but she does seem to care for her, but it seems pretty clear that she considered her work more important.   She has a tower that she has the capability of storing on her person. This tower has the capability of holding all of Agata's significant Assets, which is an impressive feat.   She has charitably continued her educational work while in the Forest, recently teaching Rain a hard life lesson about Consequences to her actions.  

Known magical spells/abilities

  • Power Word Kneel
  • Major Image
  • Counterspell
  • Powerful dispelling of magic
  • Sequester (Oksana, for death and bad behaviour)
  • True Polymorph/Shapeshift? (turn into gold dragon)
  • Agata's Tower (improved)
  • Geas
  • Can take over control of lesser casters spells
  • Able to adapt her spells mid-cast
  • Teleportation of varying kinds (appearing out of mid air)
  • Enchantment of Oksana's tattoos
  • Scrying
  • Blood Bonds (from Reb?)
  • Agata's Soul Stone

Known relationships

Out of Character, we know that Agata seems to have some control of the flow of time, gravity and space within her tower.   Inside there were many rooms (speculation: cells) and we had an admission (to Oksana only) that Agata has been experimenting upon Fey.
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