Session 106 Legend Lore - Aboleth Report in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Session 106 Legend Lore - Aboleth

General Summary

Timestamp: 16 mins into session - Aboleth Legend Lore.   Smoke rises from your tattoos once again, a cloud appearing above you.    In the blackness four sets of eyes slowly start opening, looking out, and you feel a chill run down you as the enormous form of the Aboleth is suggested more than given shape in the darkness.   The eyes are clearly visible as light seems to emanate from them. Tentacles gently lash around in unseen currents to swim.    The smoke twists and behind the eyes is a branching tree, which swiftly collapses, coalescing into a pool through which the creature swims. Small figures, humanoid mostly, walk across the front of the vision in front of the creature. Here and there one bows, before continuing on.    The smoke clears, the eyes still prominent and a ship arises out of mist. A tentacle wraps around the ship, gently holds it in place.    The smoke once again bubbles and shifts and once again the eyes are constant. An image begins to form once again, you realize there is a winged figure standing in front the Aboleth. It seems to bow. As it fades away, water seems to swirl and rush in the fog, flooding the vision.    More humanoids cross the front of this scene, tiny, most of them bowing now, as opposed to the few that did so before. Here and there, the tentacle reaches out and touches one of the faces. The first few immediately dissipate into smoke.    The tentacle reaches upwards, touches a figure that you had not previously seen. It does not immediately dissipate, falls to its knees, head in its hands, before crumbling away.   Another attempt, another dissipated figure. Six such tentacles reach upwards before the seventh touches. This time the figure falls to its knees, hands in front, instead of clutching its head. The tentacle, this time, the one that disintegrates. The figure stands and walks.    A different tentacle snakes out once again below, touching one of - now scattered instead of a straight procession - the humanoid figures, gently wraps around the figure, raises it high.    The smoke dissipates, the vision ends.
Report Date
19 Feb 2024


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