The Old Ways Tradition / Ritual in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Old Ways

"The old ways" are the set of beliefs that existed prior to the Queen of Light.   While not officially recognised, and generally kept close to the chest, many in the vale hold to the traditions, though less so in Ypakar itself. It is an 'open secret' that Barktech, invented by Dawn's First Carriage, is based upon Old Ways thinking.   The main guiding tenet of the Old Ways is 'Give and Take'. You can draw power from the world, but there must be an exchange. In order to grow a field of crops, a goat must be sacrificed. In order to summon water for the spring, the summer will be harsher.   

Bark Tech

Dawn's First Carriage, a researcher at The Conservatory, conceptualised and implemented the concept of very carefully siphoning the growth of a designated grove of trees to power long-working enchantments. These were implemented across Ypakar for things such as very mild gardening to low power continuous sewer treatment.


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