Queen of Light Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Queen of Light

The being who created The Vale using her power to protect other living beings.   Those who follow her as their God value life above all things and belong to The Order of the Queen of Light.   She is often seen in person walking around her city so her appearance is well known. She is much taller than the average humanoid at about 7 and a half feet tall, does not look like one race (ie. does not clearly resemble a human or elf in particular, but is something less distinct), has white-gold hair that is long and straight, is quite solidly built with very broad shoulders, dark brown skin and no one can agree on the colour of her eyes. She wears simple but fine clothing with a few adornments such as a necklace with a symbol of the sun on it, assorted rings/bracelets (introduced the idea of jewellary into fashion). She always carries a longsword.

Divine Domains

Light and life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fire is often used in her faith. (To shed light)

Tenets of Faith

Taking a life is prohibited.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To protect life, as far as we know.
Divine Classification


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