The Tree of Tales Item in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Tree of Tales

A gigantic dead tree found near the ruins of Dendomiel, Palace of Treaties, covered in strange runes that seemed to move as you attempted to read them. Translated by Dalitar Amakiir using Comprehend Languages and relayed to the party with impeccable timing.   The tree reads thus:  
So may it be recorded in this cutting from Yggdrasil, the agreement between Asmodeus and Ao.   Let this living world bark be witness to the telling of a tale of two titans. An accord to honour the gamble of this new world and the experiment it entails, for all of divine comportment to marvel over and accede to.   The Lord of the Hells and the Overseer of All agree that there shall be no divine games in this newly formed world, seperated as it is by an ocean of void. No gods shall interrupt, no gods shall tempt, no gods shall move their countenance in gathering followers, enlightening nor proselytising.   This world shall be the game, the proof and the question. It shall show definition of sin and good. It shall not be marred, sullied, enriched nor blessed. All upon it shall be observed in the ending of their times and their souls measured and tested.   This is the recording of the Yggdrasilanor of Ao and Asmodeus. Let the reckoning commence in the fullness of time.
  The tree was seen to flare with green magic similar to that of Bonacieux when a contract was signed, but extensive testing on this was not conducted.


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