Tsien Chiang Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Tsien Chiang

'She / Tsien Chiang / Empress Eternal of the Perfect City / Mother of a Thousand Dreams / a bunch of other titles'. Leader of City of a Thousand Dreams.   At dusk, She rings the bell and 'her children awaken' as the walking dead rise. On going to see Her, the fisherman is terrified She will kill the group or worse, bring them into Her dream.   Aisling's dragon Midresthor hates her guts.   Tsien Chiang had four daughters:
  • Tsien Lei-An - who favoured silk
  • Tsien Wai-Ching - the youngest, who loves games including dice
  • Tsien Seu-Mei - who loves her fishies
  • Tsien Man-Yi - who loved the blossoms, but even mor ethan that, she loved a commoner who her mother disapproved of, and he was executed.
  We have seen several visions of the past relating to her:  
  • Her daughters being assassinated in their bedrooms - this was relayed to us by NPCs so we did not see who by
  • Tsien Chiang accidentally poisoning Midresthor to death to take a single scale - the implication was that they were friendly and her intention was not deadly.
  • The city under siege by the elves of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar
  • Tsien Chiang being exiled for her crime of killing a great ally of the Empire by Queen Sindar directly, into the mirror realm. Her bell she created also being sundered by the Queen as a dangerous creation.
After losing her daughters, she tried desperate and dangerous magic to bring them back to life. This required a dragons scale and so led to her killing Midresthor. When she tried to cast the spell, her daughters did come back, but not correctly, their bodies warped and mutated, but their minds still within them. Tsien Man-Yi stated that her mother 'broke the world' to try to bring them back.   Horrified by this result, Tsien Chiang now lives in a dream world with constructed daughters that look the way they 'should', ignoring her real daughters in the Waking mirror world.


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