Viserys Rohan Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Viserys Rohan

Viscount of House Rohan, Captain of the Queen's Army

Viserys can be arrogant, frustrated, cocky and stuck up. All whilst being somewhat charismatic. He can show off his status on occasion to make sure people know his worth and presence, and to also keep his distance from the overwhelming majority.   To the very few he may be closer to and to other nobles, he may seem more respectful. It might seem like he shows signs of a sociopath from afar. It’s also clear he doesn’t feel like he belongs here on this expedition, he feels he’s above all of this.   He is not a fan of magic users, unnecessary magic causes corruption and having corruption is not only against everything the Queen of Light stands for but is greatly dishonorable to your family especially amongst nobles.   You’ve seen Viserys mostly with 1 or more foot soldiers with him, he usually doesn’t interact much with common folk, keeping his distance from anyone that could ruin the look of his nobility and status. He likes to look fashionable, and he wears an emerald ring that represents house Rohan. He wields a sword that he can turn into a chain in combat & a decorative shield that has a face emblem in the centre. He likes to keep above people by riding his war stallion, and loves to charge into battle with it.   Viserys had a younger brother called Vilantis Rohan, who was known to have died heroically on his first True Night Expedition. Unfortunately there were also some small less tasteful rumours that had also broken out that Viserys didn’t like sharing the limelight with his brother's success and backstabbed him in battle during the TNE, these rumours were short lived though as those spreading them gained corruption and died.   He is determined to make sure there’s no sign of corruption amongst the new settlement. His position here seems obvious to all as protect and serve. He’s a natural leader on the battlefield just with his style of leading by example. Ridding the forests of corruption and ensuring the purity of the people. However he may also need to use his background and understanding of court and trade to help the settlement in ways he didn’t realize he would have to.   Viserys is in his element on the battlefield, he fights fearlessly and with flair. He fights tactically but likes to keep close to the action. Some would say he’s a soloist, but that’s because he’s sometimes the only thing you end up watching; but he always keeps his wits about him to assist when needed and to move fluidly through the battlefield leaving no corrupted unchecked.   During the last 6 months, what you may have noticed:
  • He likes to throw around threats.
  • He sometimes seems charming from afar.
  • People listen to him, he gets things done.
  • He wears elegant armor, and definitely stands out as a noble.
  • He wants to know everything, he doesn’t like secrets.
  • He is fearless.
  • He rides a white armored stallion.
  • If you’ve interacted with him, he may have come across arrogant or cocky.
  • He sometimes practises with his sword and shield when there are rest stops.
  • You might see him training with other soldiers.


Viserys Rohan


Towards Vilantis Rohan


Vilantis Rohan


Towards Viserys Rohan


Vilantis Rohan (brother)


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