Ypakar Settlement in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The only known city and also the name of The Vale which the Queen of Light created to keep us all safe in this mad world.  

Known Places

  • The Conservatory
  • The Sewers
  • Three times merchant of the year Kalli Nilsen's shop, of course

Known Persons

Player characters

  • Dalitar Amakiir (currently in Davokar)
  • Moonlight Through Rain (currently in Davokar)
  • Viserys Rohan (currently in Davokar)
  • Goldriver (currently in Davokar and not originally from Ypakar)
  • Sigrid Arnulf (currently in Davokar, originally from Fetterfeld)
  • Bref of Uri's folk - supposedly (Currently in Davokar)


  • Queen of Light
  • Viserys' parents: Chevalier Jean-Isaac Rohan and Isabella Rohan; Brother: Vilantis Rohan
  • Marchessa de la Montagne
  • Kalli Nilsen (currently in Davokar)
  • Rain's mother: Dawn's First Carriage and unnamed father
  • Dalitar's family


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