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Harrieta Cottontail

Map Link of her Home village
Harrieta Cottontail is a changed Harengon. She has lived what seems to be a lifetime in just one short year. Let’s go back to 5 years earlier and look into the life of the old Harrieta Cottontail. Harrieta was an organized, anxious, hardworking, people-pleasing, shy, simple creature. Her life was simple and work meant everything to her. Although her work means a lot to her, her village is a very important part of her life as well. Harrieta was very young when her parents (Leon and Tara Worshcester) past away, she took the role of mother and father at a very young age to be there for her younger siblings ( Tom, Bob, Sage, and Farra). Her village and the elders helped her and her siblings in any way they could. Growing up, she did not have many acquaintances due to her new roles she had taken on. Over the years her personality became more rigid and “fun” was no longer a word used to describe her. Work became on outlet for all the pain and grief she had experienced; work seemed to be her only safe place. She worked to put her self through law school, and now works at a prestigious law firm.
  Harrieta is 40 years old; her siblings are all grown and have families of their own, yet Harrieta has struggled to find that same love. But that all changed one night at one of Aunt Ginny’s pot lucks. (Aunt Ginny is the old lady of the village who enjoys spreading rumors and gossip about all the people in the village, especially Harrieta since she was not married nor had children. This was uncommon since most people in the village were married and had multiple children at the age of 10.)
  Harrieta had made her famous pumpkin chocolate chip cookies to bring to the potluck, hoping that she could drop the cookies and leave shortly thereafter. Little did she know that those pumpkin chocolate chip cookies would lead her to the love of her life. As Harrieta arrived she heard a lovely band playing, which was uncommon at these get togethers. It was normally Uncle Joe and Paw Sam playing their washboards, which was always an unpleasant time. Harrieta began to mingle after placing the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies on the table. The music intrigued her and she began to make her way closer to the area where the band was playing.
  As she made her way through the crowd and the multitude of people asking her if she found herself a companion yet, she locked eyes with the most handsome creature she had ever seen. He was playing a hand drum, while also singing a sweet little tune. He had the most beautiful voice and such a confident, charismatic personality. Her heart skipped a beat as she continued to listen to the band and try not to stare at the handsome guy on the hand drum.
  As the band started to take a brief intermission, Harrieta decided to head home due to her having to wake up early for work the next morning. She went to grab her plate to bring back home and observed there was one cookie left (everyone loved her baking and cooking). She reached out to eat the last cookie when another hand snatched it from her, and when she looked up it was the hand drum guy. Her face blushed and her whole body went numb. He introduced himself as Preston Cottontail, as he began to rave about how amazing her cookies were. He began going on and on about his life as Harrieta just stood frozen soaking up every moment of looking into his beautiful eyes. Preston insisted that Harrieta teach him how to make the cookies and set a date and time for them to meet.
  One week later, Harrieta knew she had found the love of her life. On their date, they shared their deepest darkest secrets, talked about their hopes and dreams, baked delicious cookies, and laughed and cried together. Harrieta opened up like never before about her past and her dream of becoming of working at one of the top law firms in the big city, and so did Preston. He shared with her that is dream was to move to the big city and play a huge performance for thousands of people.
  5 years years of beautiful memories in a beautiful marriage. Harrieta and Preston were living their best lives- encouraging each other, laughing with each other, and making memories together. They decided to start a family, which then turned into a very large family of 7 little creatures hopping around everywhere- Halley, Trip, Drake, Sarah, Reginald, Wes, and Zeke. Harrietas real dreams had come true. Work was always what meant the most to her, but her family was so much more important.
  Harrieta decided she was going to quit her job and be a stay at home mom, but she got the opportunity to travel to a nearby city to represent a big client. The money and fame from winning this case was too good to pass up. She said goodbye to her family for the week, and headed off to the big city. Harrieta was the queen of that courtroom; she won the case and was eager to head back home to her family. On the way back home she dreamed of the amazing and beautiful life she had ahead of her. It all came to a screeching holt when her paw touched the ground of what used to be her tiny village.
  Her village was completely demolished and turned to ash. She fell to her knees and began to weep. When she finally gained the courage to stand up, she ran to what used to be the tiny little hut that housed her and her family.
As she began searching through the ash hoping to find something or better yet someone, she came across the only thing that had survived this horrible tragedy- her husband’s hand drum. As she grabbed it she began to imagine the moment she met her soul mate and the beautiful tune he played on the hand drum, she recalled all the moments he taught her how to play the drum and learn her favorite song on it, and she recalled all the times her husband sat with the their children and sang them to sleep while playing their favorite songs. So many emotions ran through her in those moments and she began to play the song that they danced to at their wedding.

In that moment she vowed to change her whole life- she was going to honor her husband by walking in his legacy. She was going to push herself to be like her husband- outgoing, charismatic, loving, dashing, musical, fun-loving, and a world-changer. She was going to pursue his dream and wouldn’t stop till she made it happen. She was going to make her husband and children proud. Harrieta Cottontial was going to be a changed Harengon forever.


Harrieta Cottontail


Towards Preston Cottontail


Preston Cottontail


Towards Harrieta Cottontail


Preston Cottontail (Husband)

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