Ash Zombie

The ash zombies of Thundertree are what is left of many of those poor souls unfortunate enough not to have escaped the town during the eruption of Mount Hotenow.

Basic Information


The ash zombies are animated long-deceased human corpses, as such, they are heavily decomposed, their skin is soft and mushy, and their bones are brittle. Nevertheless, the ash zombies are resilient against attacks, not vulnerable to hits in the same locations common for most humanoids. Hot sulphur courses through their veins in place of blood and a thick layer of ash covers the surface of the zombies' bodies (hence their name) and when struck, this ash disperses into a cloud, poisoning nearby living creatures.   Remaining motionless for years has caused some of the ash zombies to fuse to nearby surfaces, one zombie inside The Brown Horse was stuck to the floor, rendering it immoble and preventing it from escaping as the tavern cought alight.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The ash zombies are a horror exclusive to the abandoned town of Thundertree, their presence driving off travellers and being the primary reason the town has yet to be resettled.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Although they can see and hear like they could in life, the senses of the ash zomies appears somewhat impaired, frequently walking into objects that block their path.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution