Ezmerelda d'Avenir

Ezmerelda "Ez" d'Avenir

Ezmerelda d'Avenir is a vistani bladesinger who studied under legendary monster hunter Doctor Rudolph van Richten. After parting ways with Van Richten, Ez continues to travel between the domains of dread, slaying the beasts that inhabit them and helping the people who call them home. She eventually ended up in Barovia, where she planned to kill the vampire dark lord Strahd von Zarovich.   When Rudolph left Ez felt abandoned and betrayed. For a long time, Ezmerelda believed her mentor had left due to racial prejudice and Van Richten did have reservations about the vistani people. The real reason however was because of his fate-curse, which he worried would cause her to come to harm.

Physical description

General Physical Condition

Ez stands at 5'6" with an athletic build. She has tanned skin, sharp features, and long dark hair that she wears in loose ringlets. Her right leg was torn off by a werewolf and has been replaced by an incredibly crafted prosthetic made from bronze.

Powers and Abilities

Her mobility is Ezmerelda's greatest strength, as she strikes from the shadows before using her arcane magic to disappear from view or escape to the ethereal plane. Her weapon attacks are also magically enhanced, causing green flames to spread between enemies and if she deems it necessary can unleashed a quick succession of force empowered strikes on a group of foes. She is also incredibly durable and hard to hit, but since falling under the effect of Van Richten's fate-curse, any wounds she sustains are far more lethal than would be typical.   Ez is also well versed in the magic traditions of her people, granting her limited control over the mists of Ravenloft, the ability to place curses on enemies at her own expense, and is a gifted fortune teller, skilled in the art of tarokka reading.

Specialized Equipment

Ez carries with her a variety of magical and otherwise enhanced weapons, including a magic rapier, two magical handaxes, a silvered shortsword. She also possesses St. Markovia's thighbone, which she wields like a mace, it's innately holy properties cause to smite undead when striking them, and may disrupt their life force to the point of severing it. The heels of both her prosthetic leg and her boot are crafted from silver, in case of emergencies.   She had a wagon, which contained notes on monster hunting, spell scrolls, her tarokka deck, and several vials of alchemist's fire, however, her wagon was destroyed when Clodric Deepeyes tried to break in, triggering all the traps she had set.

Mental Characteristics

Headstrong and at times a little arrogant, Ez stays true to her convictions and always fights for what she believes is right even if it puts her life at risk. She cares little for what others think, is confident in herself and her convictions, and has no qualms about speaking her mind unfiltered. Ez has repeatedly has fallen victim to her over-confidence and despite her considerable talent often ends up in over her head.   Although somewhat estranged from other vistani, she still holds her people's customs close at heart and dislikes when they are upturned. For example, she took issue with the way vistani camp outside of Vallaki was organized, with two male brothers, Arrigal and Luvash, in charge rather than a female seer, a Raunie, as per tradition.

Personal History

Early Life

Ezmerelda d'Avenir was born into a clan of vistani entertainers. Her family used the carnivals and circuses held by the clan as a cover for their frequent theft and racketeering, and often performed more serious crimes, like murders or kidnappings, if the gold count was high enough. Ez was aware but not yet old enough to actively participate in these schemes when her parents and much of her family was killed. The young vistani was taken in by the Vatraska clan, a clan known for its crafters and tinkerers.   In her late teens, Ez came to be the apprentice of Dr. Rudolph van Richten, who was impressed by her compassion and skill, despite any misgivings he had about her people. The doctor trained her in his monster hunting techniques, and the two made an impressive duo, but after less than half a decade of travelling together, Van Richten absconded with little explanation.

Later Adventures

Ez continued to battle against the forces of darkness found throughout the Domains of Dread, even as her mentor had abandoned her. At one point, she fought against a pack of werewolves and became overwhelmed, resulting in one of the beasts tearing off her leg. Enraged, she pulled her severed limb from its jaw and used her boot's silvered heel to bludgeon the creature to death. She survived the horde and sought out a Vatraska caravan, where a skilled craftsman built her a new leg.
Current Status
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Reports
Secrets of the Dead by Eytan Zana
Ez with St. Markovia's Thighbone

Cover image: Forest by Sam White