CoS: The Final Hours

General Summary

The adventurers left the Amber Temple discussing their plans. They had come to the conclusion that not only must they defeat Strahd von Zarovich but they also needed to prevent The Fanes from regaining control of the land, both within a rather short amount of time.   Avant-Courier suggested the use of the crown to teleport into Castle Ravenloft's basement, but Phosa Nadrez pointed out that this is where they had sent Avant's homunculus, and it would likely be heavily guarded. Kasimir Velikov expressed his desire to resurrect his sister before engaging the vampire lord in combat. Although this was risky, the party wanted to keep Velikov on side and it was suggested that they ask Mordenkainen for help with a teleportation ritual, as the archmage owed them a favor.   Eventually arriving in Vallaki, Rudolph van Richten donned his "Rizzwald" disguise and the party stopped at the Blue Water Inn. Phosa purchased a barrel of wine from Danika Martikov, who quietly informed her that her people had done as they were asked (consecrated the shrines of the Fanes). Some light conversation ensued, until the conversation soured and Phosa left for the Vistani Camp, leaving the others to talk amongst themselves.   Kasimir asked Avant why he and Phosa struggle to get along, even asking if the warforged had been antagonizing her intentionally. The conversation soon turned to Baba Lysaga's recipe book, which Clodric was still in possession of. She and Avant decided to spend the night brewing potions, creating three potions of speed and two potions of invulnerability. The other adventurers retired to their rooms, Rudolph, wanting to keep his distance from Ezmerelda d'Avenir for the time being, suggested he spend the night sharing Aki's room, to which the kenku agreed. In their shared room, the two spoke about what they would do after escaping Barovia.   At the camp, Phosa found Luvash, who was up drinking with other vistani. His daughter greeted the aasimar cheerfully and the two adults sat down for a game of cards. Phosa told Luvash that she did not wish to speak about the Devil, but spent the time asking the vistana about his life. He spoke of the time he and his brother were cornered by wererats in the domain of Richemulot. When asked how he and his brother became the leaders of the camp, Luvash said that his brother was appointed leader, and he chose to help him, as his brother was not fit to rule on his own.   In the morning, Phosa left the camp and was surprised to see Ireena Kolyana had come to speak with her, guided by Kasimir and tailed by Avant's homunculus. Kasimir distracted the homunculus whilst the two women walked towards the town. Ireena expressed some doubt about her pact with Mother Night, although she felt certain she had not made a pact with the dark powers, she was still unsure about her situation. She tried to find common ground with Phosa but became frustrated as the Druid resisted her attempts. The two came to some understanding but ended the conversation on tenuous terms.   Once Phosa returned, the party started to travel to Mount Baratok to speak with Mordenkainen. Locating his Magnificent Mansion, the adventurers knocked on the hidden door and, after a few moments, the archmage himself emerged. He did not invite the group inside, as the mansion was full of owlbears which he planned to trap inside a demiplane at a later date, but agreed to help them infiltrate Ravenloft. Using Ireena's sword as a focus, he drew a circle on the ground with chalk and began a ritual. Once complete, the party stepped inside and found themselves inside Castle Ravenloft's crypt.   Immediately, Phosa noticed an empty tomb inscribed with the words Ireena Kolyana - Wife, the heavy stone door of which she pushed closed. Kasimir located his sister's tomb easily and when the door was cracked open the group was attacked by the spirit of Patrina Velikovna, who had become a banshee. Her deadly wail caused Avant's Homunculus, Clodric, Ireena, and van Richten to immediately collapse into a dying state. The same would have happened to Aki were it not for van Richten's death ward.   With some help from Ezmerelda, Aki was able to quickly defeat the spirit, and Kasimir brought his sister back to life with the aid of his dark gift. Patrina was understandably a little disoriented but, although Phosa struggled to read her intentions, it was clear that she was not an obstacle for the group in their goal to defeat Strahd.   As Aki, Avant, and Clodric explored the tombs, Phosa tried to make amends with Ireena and looked to the others present - Ezmerelda and van Richten - for guidance. Ireena accepted Phosa's apology and expressed hope that the two of them would live past the coming battle and become friends. Ezmerelda apologized herself, feeling that she had failed to acknowledge Phosa's struggles in the past. Van Richten, whilst still criticizing some of Phosa's past actions, claimed that he trusted Phosa, and believed she was "about as close to a hero as anyone in Barovia could hope to be."   Aki, Avant, and Clodric explored the other crypts. They found the crypt of Piddlewick, and remembered that his ghost had promised Aki a treasure from within. At the feet of Piddlewick's tiny skeleton, he found a deck of illusions. They passed the tomb of King Troisky—The Three-Faced King and King Katsky—Self-Proclaimed Time Traveller, finally stopping at the tomb of Khazan. Avant entered, Khazan's skull was inlaid with precious gems, but the room appeared otherwise empty until the automaton spoke the wizard's name, KHAZAN. With the word of power spoken, a magic staff appeared on the skeleton's chest.   The other two swiftly exited the cell as Avant reached for it, and they were right to do so, lightning burst from the staff, dealing immense damage. Once the air had cleared, Avant was still standing, and he had the staff. The group argued for a moment but eventually the warforged agreed to give the staff to Clodric.   Whilst this was occurring, Aki searched other areas of the basement to check if the party had been heard. He heard a woman giggling in the darkness, one of Strahd's brides no doubt, as several humanoid figures shambled into view.
Report Date
18 Feb 2024
Related Characters
Danika Martikov
Patrina Velikovna